Generate a COBOL Client

Provides instructions for generating a COBOL client to access the MakeCheckAppt Web service.

You can now generate a COBOL client to access the MakeCheckAppt service that you deployed to the ESSOAP enterprise server instance.

Enterprise Developer requires that client applications running on UNIX systems are built using the Single Executable File target type. When the main project uses a target type other than Single Executable File as does the ProgramSOAP project (uses the All Native Library Files target type), you must generate the client applications into a separate project.

  1. From the Application Explorer, right-click the MakeCheckAppt Web Service; then select Generate Client from the context menu.
  2. On the Generate Client dialog box, click Create a new COBOL project.
  3. On the Generate Client dialog box, type ProgramSOAPClient into the Project Name field, and then click OK.
  4. Click OK to generate the client.
    Note: The Single Executable File target type is the default build configuration setting in the new project. To confirm this:
    1. In the Application Explorer, right-click the ProgramSOAPClient project; then select Properties from the context menu.
    2. Expand Micro Focus > Build Configurations; then click Link.

      The Target Type field should be set to Single Executable File.

    3. Click Close.

You can watch the generation process in the Service Interfaces Console. When it is complete, you'll see the message "The client generation completed successfully" after which Eclipse rebuilds the project. You should see that the following files have been added to the project folder: