Set up the ESACCT Enterprise Server Region

Provides step-by-step instructions for creating the ESACCT enterprise server region.

Start the Server Explorer

The Server Explorer view is visible by default when using the Team Developer perspective, and appears as a tab on the same level as the Application Explorer view. However, if it is not visible:

  • In Eclipse, click Window > Show View > Other > Micro Focus > Server Explorer, and then click Open.
Attention: You might encounter an ESCWA Sign On dialog box as you perform the steps required to create, configure, start, or stop an enterprise server instance from the Server Explorer. If you do, ensure that the Server requires credentials, Use specific server credentials, or Server is secured , and the Store credentials boxes are unchecked, and then click OK. If asked to provide a password, enter your UNIX logon password.

Create the ESACCT enterprise server region

  1. In the Server Explorer, expand Local [localhost:10086] in the view.
  2. Right-click Default [] and then click New > Enterprise Server from the context menu.

    This starts the New Enterprise Server dialog box.

  3. Type ESACCT into the Name field.
  4. Click the Browse button next to the Template field.

    This action usually opens the location of the Enterprise Developer server templates, which is $COBDIR\etc. If a different directory is opened, browse to the default templates directory.

  5. Double-click the CICSTemplate.xml file to select it.
  6. On the New Enterprise Server dialog box, check ACCT in the Associate with projects field; then click Finish.

    This creates the ESACCT server and adds it under the Default [] directory server connection in Server Explorer.

  7. In the Server Explorer view, expand Default [] to check that the ESACCT enterprise server region has been added to the list.