To deploy to a remote enterprise server

  1. Edit the mf-client.dat file, located in the $COBDIR\bin directory by default, to add the location of your remote enterprise server. Use the following syntax:
    mrpi://{IPaddress | hostname}:port
    Where IPaddress is the IP address for the remote machine, hostname is the machine name of the remote machine (use one or the other), and port is the port number. For example, the following is an excerpt from mf-client.dat that shows the default server specification, and the addition of one remote server specification:
    ; Point MFCC to local default MFDS. The port specification ":0" means MRPI
    ; will first look for the CCITCP2_PORT environment variable for the port to
    ; connect to. If that's not set, it will try to look up the "mfcobol"
    ; service name in the /etc/services (%WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\services
    ; on Windows), and use that port. If that's not found either, it will use
    ; the official Micro Focus directory port, which is 86.
    Note: Before making changes to mf-client.dat, we recommend that you copy the file to an alternative location. After updating the file, set the MFC_CONFIG environment variable to point to the new location.
  2. In the Server Explorer, right-click Local [localhost:10086], and select New > Directory Server Connection from the context menu.
  3. In the Name field, type a name for the connection.
  4. Server address (IPv4/Hostname) field, specify either the Host name or the IP address of the remote server.
  5. In the Server port field, type the number of the port you want to use (default is 86); then click Finish.
Important: After deploying to a remote UNIX server, you must then compile the service driver program on the target UNIX machine:
  1. Log on to the target machine.
  2. Go to the package path folder. If you are using a telnet session originating from your development machine, you can paste the package path from the clipboard.
  3. Compile the service driver source using the cobol command.