CICSECM Causes EXEC CICS statements in your program to be replaced by CICS API run-time calls.
CONSTANT Declares a constant for use in the program.
DB2 Causes EXEC SQL statements in your program to be replaced with DB2 LUW API calls.
EXECSQL-FLAG This directive defines whether syntax reporting should emulate that of the DB2 preprocessor, the DB2 coprocessor, or to allow
all syntax variations of both.
FCDREG Makes the Compiler define special registers giving access to File Control Descriptions (FCD) and Key Definition Blocks.
PREPROCESS, P Makes the Compiler take the source program from a preprocessor instead of a source file.
REWRITE-LS Allows REWRITE statements on line sequential files.
SEQCHK Makes the Compiler check the sequence numbers in columns 1 through 6 and identify source lines that are out of sequence.
SOURCEFORMAT Sets the layout format for your COBOL source.
LOCALSOURCEFORMAT Specifies that any setting of the SOURCEFORMAT directive in a source file is maintained for that file. This means that if
a file with a different SOURCEFORMAT setting is copied into the source file, when processing exits the copied code, the SOURCEFORMAT
setting returns to that originally specified in the source file.
SQL Causes EXEC SQL statements in your program to be replaced by ODBC run-time calls, depending on the options you specify.
XMLPARSE Determines the behavior of the XML PARSE statement and special registers relating to XML events.