Build and Run the PLIProgram Project

Guides you through the process of building and running the PLIProgram project.

Build the PLIProgram project

  • On the Solution Explorer, right-click the PLIProgram project, and select Build from the context menu.

    The Output window shows the progress of the build process.

    Note: If a solution contains multiple projects, you can build the entire solution to integrate the projects into a single application.

Run the application

  1. On the Solution Explorer, select the PLIProgram project, and click Debug > Start Without Debugging from the Visual Studio main menu.

    The applications runs, and stops on the get list statement. You should see a console window containing the text "Hello World - main". At this point, the application is waiting for you to enter a list of up to 14 characters.

  2. Type x to satisfy the condition, and then press Enter.

    The application runs to its conclusion.