TN3270 Display Options

You can configure the options for running Mainframe Subsystem Applications using a TN3270 emulator in Tools > Options > Micro Focus Tools, and on the TN3270 Display page.

TN3270 Display

Enable Display
Check this to run your Mainframe Subsystem applications in a TN3270 emulator. If you uncheck this, the IDE does not launch or search for an emulator.
Rumba (Embedded)
Enabled by default, if you have installed a version of Micro Focus Rumba+ Desktop 10.1. Starts the application in a Rumba Mainframe display embedded in Visual Studio.
Restriction: The embedded Rumba Mainframe Display is only available in Visual Studio 2017 and 2019, and is not available in Visual Studio 2022. In Visual Studio 2022, you need to use the standalone Rumba+ Desktop application.
Connect automatically
Check this to enable the Rumba Mainframe display to connect automatically to the enterprise server at debug time.
Show warning dialog for PF keys context
Check this to view a warning dialog when you press a function key in the IDE when the integrated Rumba Mainframe display in focus.
Notify of changing the enterprise server when debugging starts
Check this to view a warning dialog when starting debugging while the TN3270 display is still connected to a different enterprise server.
Rumba (Desktop)
Check this to run the applications in a mainframe session of the Rumba+ Desktop outside of the IDE. This is the default setting if you have installed a version of 10.1Micro Focus Rumba+ Desktop earlier than .
Check to specify the path to an emulator that supports TN3270, other than Rumba+ Desktop.