Prepare to Debug LookupEMP in a Development Environment

Takes you through the process of preparing your Visual Studio project such that you can debug your stored procedure in a development environment both locally and remotely.

Open the SQLServerSP solution

  • From the Visual Studio main menu, click File > Recent Projects and Solutions, and then select the SQLServerSP solution.

Add the SQLServerSPCall project to the SQLServerSP solution

  1. From the Solution Explorer, right-click the SQLServerSP solution and select Add > Existing Project.
  2. Browse to the folder containing the SQLServerSPCall project.
  3. Select the SQLServerSPCall.cblproj file; then click Open.

    Visual Studio adds the SQLServerSPCall project to the SQLServerSP solution.

Set Properties for the SQLServerSPCall Project

  1. From the Solution Explorer, open the Properties window for the SQLServerSPCall project.
  2. On the Debug tab, check Enable SQL Server debugging, located in the Debug Options group.
  3. Click Save Save; then close the Properties window.