In the Enterprise Server for .NET environment, a resource configuration is maintained as an XML file.
The installation software includes a sample resource configuration file named ResourceDefinitions.config. The sample region ESDEMO uses this resource definition file. This is installed in %ProgramData%\Micro Focus\Enterprise Developer\8.0\SEE\config.
Enterprise Server for .NET definition files are in a different format from those used in native Enterprise Server. Studio Enterprise Edition includes utilities that migrate native Enterprise Server definition files to a format used by Enterprise Server for .NET.
You can deploy resource definition files:
Use the Resource Editor to configure resource definition files. The Resource Editor lets you add and delete items, copy and paste items, and re-name group items.
The CICS resource types within a resource definition file are :
Each load module is defined using the DFHPPT definition, which includes the name of the load module (the PROGRAM field), and the language in which the module has been written. Examples are PL/I, Assembler, or COBOL (the PGMLANG field).
Defines a set of attributes that are common to a group of terminals.
The resource is a logical extension of the TERMINAL resource. If you have a number of terminals with the same properties, you would define one TYPETERM with the required values, and then name that TYPETERM in each TERMINAL definition (or in the autoinstall model definition if you are using autoinstall)
Defines the characteristics of a transaction class.
Transactions that are defined as belonging to a transaction class are subject to scheduling constraints before they are allowed to execute. If transactions belonging to an active transaction class are already running, any new transactions are queued.