To locate this screen
- In the Tree pane under
SEE Administration, select
to display a list of existing data stores.
- From the list, select the data store to view.
This screen shows the contents of the data store and lets you upload and download VSAM files.
- Updates the display with any changes.
- ,
- Opens the Upload File dialog box, used to browse for and select a VSAM file to upload.
- Delete
- Accessed by right-clicking a file in the left pane. Prompts to confirm, then removes the selected data store.
- Download As ...
- Accessed by right-clicking a file in the left pane. Opens a file browse dialog box and lets you download the VSAM file to
- File Properties area
- Displays the details of the currently selected and uploaded file.
- menu option
- Re-installs the datastore's shared procedures, created when the datastore was created. Use this option after a software upgrade
to install any stored procedures updated in the upgraded software release.
Note: Perform this for all datastores after a software upgrade.
- File transfers tab
- Displays a list of files that have been uploaded or downloaded in the current session. This list clears when you re-start
a region.
- Files tab
- Created when double-clicking a file in the left pane. Displays a list of the file's contents. Right-click and choose
Close to close the display.
- Left pane file list
- Displays a list of files uploaded into the data store. Select a file in the list to display the
File Properties area below the list. Double-click a file to create a tab in the right pane that displays the file's contents.