Generate DDL and Verify the SQL Server Database Structure

You use the DDL generated here to define the structure of your new SQL Server database, including tables, views, indexes, and foreign key relationships.

Generate DDL

  1. From the HCO for SQL Server interface, click Generate DDL. This takes you to the DDL Tasks tab.
  2. Click New to create a new DDL task.
  3. In the Name field, type schema-nametest.
  4. From the Associated Transfer List drop-down list, select schema-name, then click OK.
  5. From the Connection for Execute drop-down list, select HCODemo.
  6. To map the extracted schema to a SQL Server schema:
    1. Click Schema Mappings. This takes you to the Schema Mappings tab.
    2. In the SQL Server Schema Name field, type TEST.
  7. Click the DDL Tasks tab; then click Save.
  8. Click Execute to execute the task to generate the DDL.

Verify the SQL Server Database Structure

  1. Open the Data Source Explorer view in Eclipse, and add a connection for your SQL Server server. You can access the Data Source Explorer from Window > Show View > Other > Data Management > Data Source Explorer.
  2. Verify that the appropriate objects were created in the SQL Server database by expanding the entry for your HCO_Test database and its Tables sub-entry. You should see the objects created in the TEST schema. If you don't see the objects, click on the database name and then refresh.

Map the extracted schema

  1. Map the extracted schema to a different SQL Server schema by repeating the procedure, using the following information:
    DDL task name schema-nameprod
    Associated transfer list schema-name
    Connection for execute HCODemo
    SQL Server schema name PROD
  2. Save, execute, and verify.