ILICON Adds the specified icon to the output program.
ILNATIVERESOURCE The resource file you specify will be included in the resulting output file.
ILPINVOKE Makes the specified unmanaged code available, so that the entry points in the unmanaged code are available to the program being compiled. See the Visual Studio Help topic Calling Native Functions from Managed Code.
ILREF This directive makes the Visual Studio Framework classes in the specified assembly available to the program being compiled.
ILRESOURCE Specifies a resource file to embed in the assembly file when it is culture neutral.
ILSOURCE Specifies an additional COBOL source file to be compiled together with the current program into a single .NET assembly or
Java class file.
ILSTACKSIZE Sets the size of the stack when the program is run.
ILSUBSYSTEM Specifies the subsystem directive to the MSIL Assembler (ilasm.exe). See the Visual Studio Help topic MSIL Assembler (ilasm.exe).
ILUSING Specifies the namespace for a class to be imported. This directive enables you to write just the class name in the program
code, without its namespace, potentially making the code shorter and simpler.
JVMTARGET Specifies the JVM version number targeted by the class files generated in this compilation unit. The resulting class files
can be run on any JVM version greater than or equal to the specified number.
MANAGED-FNC-PARAM-BY Determines whether user-defined function parameters are passed BY VALUE or BY REFERENCE by default when compiled with ILGEN.