Installing Enterprise Developer Build Tools for Windows

To install Enterprise Developer Build Tools for Windows:

  1. Read the following sections of this documentation to minimize the chances of encountering issues during or after the installation process:
    Restriction: It is not possible to install the 9.0 version Enterprise Developer Build Tools for Windows as an upgrade of an existing 8.0 or 7.0 installation. You must first uninstall the older version.
    • Licensing Considerations
    • Restrictions when using Enterprise Developer Build Tools for Windows
  2. Run the <build_tools_exe> file and follow the wizard instructions to complete the installation.

    The <build_tools_exe> file for this product is named:

    • edbt_90.exe

edbt_90.exe can take a number of parameters, enabling you to specify how to install the Build Tools. Examples are as follows:

To see all of the available parameters, execute the following from the command line:
<build_tools_exe> /?