Enterprise Developer ships with a number of NuGet packages that your .NET COBOL projects link to. Unless specified otherwise, new .NET COBOL projects
link to the MicroFocus.COBOL.Runtime.Core package which provides the minimum required functionality. You need to add any other
packages manually, if your application requires more than the core functionality.
.NET projects created with release 8.0 and earlier linked to the MicroFocus.COBOL.Runtime NuGet package. This provides all
the required
Micro Focus assemblies for your applications to run under .NET - for example, the Run-Time System components, different File Handlers,
etc. There are some upgrade considerations if you want to work with existing projects in this release.
Specify NuGet packages to include in a .NET project from the project's properties inside Visual Studio
You can specify the NuGet packages to use with your .NET project as follows:
- Open your .NET COBOL application in Visual Studio.
- In Solution Explorer, expand the
Packages node under
As a minimum, .NET COBOL projects link to the
MicroFocus.COBOL.Runtime.Core NuGet package. There is a dependency on the complete
MicroFocus.COBOL.Runtime package, if you selected this when the project was created in 9.0.
- Open the project's properties, and click the
Application tab.
- Note the
Use COBOL Runtime Metapackage option.
When this is checked, the complete set of
Micro Focus functionality available in the
MicroFocus.COBOL.Runtime NuGet package is added to your project. This option is for compatibility purposes. You do not need this if your applications
only use some of the functionality, and you want to keep the application's size smaller.
- Click
Advanced Package Selection.
- Specify a file handler option, and any additional features as necessary for your application. See
Application Properties Page for details.
- Click
- Save your changes.
Add any specific NuGet packages to .NET COBOL projects outside of the IDE
To add any
Micro Focus NuGet packages to a .NET project in code view:
- Edit the project file in a text editor.
- Depending on what functionality your project needs, use the following syntax to add individual NuGet package in the
PropertyGroup section:
- To add COBOL Accept/Display package, add:
- To add JSON support, add
- To add SLR support, add
- To add XML support, add
- To add a File Handler, add
<UseCOBOLFileHandler>value</UseCOBOLFileHandler>, where
value is one of:
- None
- Default. Specifies that the project does not use a file handler.
- Native
- Adds the native file handler.
- Managed
- Adds the .NET file handler. In addition, if the project is set to compile as verifiable code (ILVERIFY or IDE setting), the
'Safe' managed file handler is used.
- Alternatively, to add the MicroFocus.COBOL.Runtime metapackage for the full functionality, specify:
- Save your changes.
Available NuGet Packages
These are the
Micro Focus NuGet packages available to you to use with your .NET applications. They are stored in
- MicroFocus.COBOL.Runtime.Core.3.90.0.nupkg - a cut-down run-time package containing the minimal set of assemblies required by the .NET COBOL programs. Any new .NET
projects include this as a minimum.
- MicroFocus.COBOL.Runtime.3.90.0.nupkg - a metapackage referencing all other packages. It exists for backwards compatibility.
- MicroFocus.COBOL.FileHandler.3.90.0.nupkg - contains the assemblies required for the .NET COBOL file handler. Use this when your .NET COBOL programs contain the CALLFH"EXTFH"
MicroFocus.COBOL.FileHandler.Native.3.90.0.nupkg - contains the assemblies and supporting native runtime libraries required for the native file handler. Use this when your
.NET COBOL programs contain the CALLFH"NATIVEFH" directive.
- MicroFocus.COBOL.FileHandler.Safe.3.90.0.nupkg - contains the assemblies required for the .NET COBOL file handler compiled in verifiable mode (ILVERIFY). Use this when
your .NET COBOL programs contain both ILVERIFY and the CALLFH"EXTFH" directives and/or to support deployment as SQL Server
stored procedures or ASP.NET applications hosted in partial trust modes.
- MicroFocus.COBOL.MFUNIT.6.90.0.nupkg - contains the assemblies required for
Micro Focus Unit Testing support.
- MicroFocus.COBOL.Runtime.ADIS.3.90.0.nupkg - contains the assemblies supporting execution of extended ACCEPT/DISPLAY statements. Equivalent to setting
<UseCOBOLADIS>true</UseCOBOLADIS> in the
PropertyGroup section of the project file.
- MicroFocus.COBOL.Runtime.JSON.3.90.0.nupkg - contains the assemblies supporting execution of JSON GENERATE, and JSON PARSE statements. Equivalent to setting
<UseCOBOLJSON>true</UseCOBOLJSON> in the
PropertyGroup section of the project file
- MicroFocus.COBOL.Runtime.XML.3.90.0.nupkg - contains the assemblies supporting execution of XML GENERATE, XML PARSE, JSON GENERATE, and JSON PARSE statements. Equivalent
to setting
<UseCOBOLXML>true</UseCOBOLXML> in the
PropertyGroup section of the project file
- MicroFocus.COBOL.SqlCLR.Runtime.3.90.0.nupkg - contains the assemblies required for SQL support. Equivalent to setting
<UseCOBOLSLR>true</UseCOBOLSLR> in the
PropertyGroup section of the project file
Native and .NET File Handler
By default, COBOL applications in .NET projects use the native file handler for their file handling operations. In order for
the native file handling functionality to be available when the project is deployed and run, when you publish a .NET project
the published files include the required native run-time system and file handler. These are part of the
MicroFocus.COBOL.Runtime package which includes all the
Micro Focus functionality. If your application does not include the complete NuGet package, you need to add any required individual smaller
packages as listed earlier.
If you will be debugging a local
.NET application on Windows where the main program is not COBOL, for example the main program is C#, you must ensure that an appropriate
file handler is used. Failure to do so will result in run-time system error COBRT198 ("Load failure") on the first COBOL file
I/O statement.
By default, the 32-bit native version of the file handler will be available. For this to be used by your application you need
to make sure the project for the main program is built to target the x86 platform.
Alternatively, to avoid any dependency on the native run-time system you can use the .NET file handler. You can switch a .NET
project to use the .NET file handler rather than the native file handler by specifying the directives CALLFH(EXTFH) and CALLSORT(EXTSM)
in the project.
SQL Support
SQL Support for .NET Projects for details on how to add SQL support to your projects.