ACCEPTREFRESH Specifies whether the data areas associated with Screen Section data are updated from their corresponding Working-Storage
Section items before an ACCEPT statement.
ACTUAL-PARAMS Specifies actual parameters that are substituted for formal parameters in a parameterized class or interface.
ACUOPT Enables you to set various options specifically for compilation of ACUCOBOL-GT applications.
ACUCOMMENT Treats lines of code starting with a pipe (|) as comment lines.
ACUSYNC Changes the effect of the SYNC clause so that it matches that used in ACU programs.
ACU-UNDERSCORE Treats underscores in COBOL words as hyphens.
ADDRSV Adds one or more specific reserved words to the reserved word list so that they are recognized as reserved words in your program.
The specified reserved words are added, whatever dialect directives are in force.
ADDSYN Defines a user-defined reserved word to be synonymous with an existing reserved word.
ADV Causes a control character to be inserted at the start of each line in a print file. This is for compatibility with mainframe
ALIGN Specifies the memory boundaries on which data items of level-01 or level-77 are aligned.
ALPHA-LIT-CONT Defines the behaviour of non-numeric literal continuation.
ALPHASTART Sets the number from which the Compiler counts positions in the collating sequence when compiling the ALPHABET clause.
AMODE Provides support when performing arithmetic on mainframe-style pointers.
ANIM Makes the Compiler produce extra information so that you can debug your program.
ANS85 Specifies that words reserved in the ANSI'85 COBOL Standard are to be treated as reserved words in this COBOL system, and
changes the behavior of certain features to be compatible with that Standard.
APOST Makes the Compiler interpret the figurative constant QUOTE as the single-quote character (').
AREACHECK Causes the Compiler to treat any token which starts in area A in the Procedure Division as a paragraph or section label, regardless
of the preceding tokens.
ARITH Defines the maximum number of digits for numeric data items.
ARITHMETIC Specifies how arithmetic expressions are to be evaluated.
ASSIGN Specifies how to assign a filename when neither EXTERNAL nor DYNAMIC appear in the SELECT statement.
ASSIGN-PRINTER Specifies how to assign the output from an ASSIGN TO PRINTER clause when the clause does not specify a filename.
AUTOLOCK Makes the default locking AUTOMATIC rather than EXCLUSIVE for files opened for INPUT, I-O, or EXTEND in a multi-user environment.
BELL Makes the bell sound at points such as when compilation stops, either because of an error or because it has finished.
BINLIT Controls whether binary b"" literals are interpreted as numeric values, or Boolean values for use with PIC 1 data items.
BOUND Specifies that subscript or index values are to be checked to ensure they are within the limits defined by their OCCURS clause.
BOUNDOPT Optimizes the code generated for subscripts.
BRIEF Enables the Compiler to produce only error numbers, and no message texts.
BS2000 Ensures that words reserved under the Siemens BS2000 COBOL dialect are reserved words in this COBOL system, and changes the
behavior of certain features to be compatible with that COBOL dialect.
BWZSTAR Determines whether the BLANK WHEN ZERO clause is allowed in the Data Division for those fields defined with the "*" PICTURE
BYTE-MODE-MOVE Controls behavior for alphanumeric moves between overlapping data items.
CALL-RECOVERY Specifies the behavior when control is returned to a program.
CALLFH Makes the Compiler generate direct calls for all file I/O operations, using the Callable File Handler interface.
CALLSORT Defines the program to be called to handle all SORT and MERGE operations.
CANCEL This directive may appear in source code supplied by Micro Focus. NOCANCEL stops sub-programs being canceled by the RTS for
CANCEL and CHAIN statements and other circumstances when the main user application is canceled.
CANCELLBR Makes the Compiler close an .lbr file used as a library in a COPY statement once that copy operation is complete.
CASE Prevents external symbols (such as Program-ID and names of called programs) being converted to upper case.
CHANGE-MESSAGE Changes the severity of errors/messages. Messages can also be suppressed or returned to their original severity.
CHARSET Defines the character set of the environment.
CHECK Turns on all run-time checks in generated code.
CHECKDIV Controls the behavior of your program if it tries to divide by zero in a statement that has no ON SIZE ERROR phrase.
CHECKNUM Checks whether numeric fields contain valid data before performing operations on them.
CHECKREFMOD Turns on bounds checking for reference modification in .NET COBOL.
CICSECM Causes EXEC CICS statements in your program to be replaced by CICS API run-time calls.
CMPR2 Provides compatibility with the mainframe compiler option of the same name, which returns behavior of the COBOL 370, VS COBOL
II version 3 and VS COBOL II version 4 compilers to that of the VS COBOL II version 2 compiler.
COBFSTATCONV Causes the Callable File Handler to use the user-supplied module specified in the COBFSTATCONV environment variable to convert
the file status codes if an I/O error is encountered on a file.
COBIDY Specifies the path where the .idy file is to be written.
COBOL370 Specifies that words reserved in IBM COBOL/370 are to be treated as reserved words, and allows features selectively for compatibility
with a given level of that product.
COBOLDIR Specifies whether the Compiler should process the directives in a cobol.dir file or ignore it.
COLLECTION Provides a mechanism for code coverage to identify unexecuted programs.
COMMAND-LINE-LINKAGE Enables you to call a program and pass the command line to the main program as a parameter to be accessed via the Linkage
COMP Makes the compiler produce very compact and efficient code for some statements involving COMP data items, by treating COMP
items as COMP-X or sets the representation meant by COMP usage in a data description entry.
COMP1 Specifies the behavior of a COMP-1 data item.
COMP2 Specifies the behavior of a COMP-2 data item.
COMP-5 Specifies whether the sign is to be dropped when a value is stored in an unsigned COMP-5 data item.
COMP-6 Specifies whether COMP-6 data is to be held in binary or packed decimal format, or emulates ACUCOBOL-GT or RM/COBOL COMP-6 behavior.
CONFIRM Makes the Compiler echo all subsequent directives to the screen.
CONSTANT Declares a constant for use in the program.
CONVERTRET (deprecated) Causes COMP and COMP-X items specified in CALL ... RETURNING and EXIT PROGRAM ... RETURNING phrases to be converted to COMP-5.
CONVSPACE Converts double-byte space characters in COBOL source files to single-byte spaces on input.
COPYEXT Specifies the filename extension of the copybook that the Compiler is to look for if a filename in a COPY statement is specified
without an extension.
COPYLBR Makes the Compiler treat the library specified in a COPY statement as an .lbr file.
COPYLIST Makes the Compiler list the contents of files named in COPY statements.
COPYLISTCOMMENT Specifies the type of comment to be used on COPY statements in .lst files when the COPYLIST directive is specified.
COPYPATH Specifies a list of directories for the Compiler to search for copy files.
CSI This directive is reserved for internal use by this COBOL system. Because it might appear in the list of settings, it is included
for completeness. It is not intended for your use, and its setting should not be changed.
CURRENCY-SIGN Specifies the currency sign to be recognized in the PICTURE clause.
CURRENT-DATE Specifies the format of the date stored in the CURRENT-DATE special register.
DATA Enables AMODE"24" or AMODE"31" programs to access pointers to Data Division items passed to them by AMODE"31" or AMODE"64"
programs respectively.
DATACOMPRESS Specifies the type of data compression to be done on sequential and indexed files.
DATA-CONTEXT Enables you to specify how a program's Data Division is to be maintained between CICS link levels.
DATAMAP Causes the Compiler to output information on data items.
DATE Puts the date in the Date-Compiled paragraph and at the top of each page of the listing.
DB2 Causes EXEC SQL statements in your program to be replaced with DB2 LUW API calls.
DBCHECK Makes the Compiler check that any Double-byte Character Set (DBCS) literals only contain valid 16-bit DBCS characters.
DBCS Makes the Compiler accept characters of the Double-byte Character Set (DBCS) for use in ideographic languages such as Japanese,
Chinese and Korean.
DBCSSOSI Defines the two characters used as the shift-out and shift-in delimiters in DBCS literals.
DBSPACE Makes the Compiler interpret the figurative constant SPACE, when used as a DBCS figurative constant, as the double-byte space
character supplied by the system.
DE-EDIT Specifies the behavior of de-editing moves from numeric-edited items to other numeric-edited items or to numeric items.
DECLARE Defines the behavior of locally declared variables.
DEFAULTBYTE Initializes each otherwise undefined byte of the Working-Storage Section to the character given.
DEFAULTCALLS Specifies the default calling convention.
DEFINE Declares a compilation variable to be used in ISO2002 conditional compilation.
DETECT-LOCK Makes READ statements detect when a record is locked by another program if the file is opened for INPUT.
DG Changes the behavior of certain features to be compatible with Data General Interactive COBOL rev 1.30.
DIALECT Enables check-time and run-time behavior consistent with the specified dialect.
DIRECTIVES, DIR Makes the Compiler read directives from a file.
DIRECTIVES-IN-COMMENTS Makes the Compiler process $SET statements held in comment lines.
DISPLAY Defines the default behavior of standard DISPLAY statements.
DISPLAY-AT Specify a default foreground and background color for DISPLAY AT and ACCEPT AT statements that do not specify any color attributes.
DISPLAY-PICU Defines the way PIC U data items are displayed.
DISPSIGN Determines the display output of numeric fields with included signs, under an IBM mainframe dialect only. (This directive
emulates the mainframe option of the same name.)
DOSVS Specifies that words reserved in IBM DOS/VS COBOL are to be treated as reserved words.
DOTNET Sets the reserved words needed for the .NET COBOL language.
DPC-IN-DATA Controls whether the DECIMAL-POINT IS COMMA clause (if specified) applies to output from the XML GENERATE and JSON GENERATE
DPC-IN-SUBSCRIPT Turns on or off DECIMAL-POINT IS COMMA when processing subscripts.
DYNAM Specifies that CANCEL statements are not to be ignored.
EBC-COL-SEQ Determines the EBCDIC collating sequence activated by the NATIVE"EBCDIC" option.
ECHO Makes the Compiler display error lines and error messages on the screen.
ECHOALL Sends a full listing to the screen as well as to a printer or other device specified with the LIST or PRINT directive.
ENTCOBOL Specifies that words reserved in IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS and OS/390 are to be treated as reserved words..
EOF-1A Treats a 0x1a character in the source file as the end of file.
ERRFORMAT Specifies the type of error message format to be used for command-line compilations and to appear in the list file.
ERRLIST Specifies the format of error messages in a list file.
ERRQ Enables the Compiler to prompt you to stop compiling each time it gives an error message.
EXECSQL-FLAG This directive defines whether syntax reporting should emulate that of the DB2 preprocessor, the DB2 coprocessor, or to allow
all syntax variations of both.
EXITPROGRAM Determines how the EXIT PROGRAM statement is executed.
FASTCALL Controls the behavior of a called program. If FASTCALL is specified, the program does not set up information to allow it to
determine whether it is a main program. The program always assumes that it is not a main program, and EXIT PROGRAM will always
cause an exit to the calling program.
FASTINIT Turns on fast INITIALIZE of tables. FASTINIT renders as undefined any table contents that a normal INITIALIZE statement would
not change.
FASTLINK Tells the Compiler that the parameters in the USING clauses of the Procedure Division statement and each ENTRY statement conform
to certain restrictions. This enables it to produce faster code.
FASTSORT This directive is reserved for internal use by this COBOL system. Because it might appear in the list of settings, it is included
for completeness. It is not intended for your use, and its setting should not be changed.
FCD3 This directive is reserved for internal use by this COBOL system. Because it might appear in the list of settings, it is included
for completeness. It is not intended for your use, and its setting should not be changed.
FCDALIGN Ensures the memory boundaries of the file control descriptions (FCDs) associated with SYSIN, SYSOUT and SYSPUNCH files are
aligned in the same way as other FCDs and internal structures.
FCDCAT Specifies whether the catalogued file information for a file is used when accessing that file.
FDCLEAR Specifies that the record buffer for a file should be cleared after every write operation.
FCDREG Makes the Compiler define special registers giving access to File Control Descriptions (FCD) and Key Definition Blocks.
FILESHARE Causes the default locking to become AUTOMATIC rather than EXCLUSIVE for files in a multi-user environment, and automatically
locks records on a WRITE or REWRITE statement when the program is locking multiple records.
FILETYPE Specifies the file format to use when creating files.
FIXOPT Changes the way in which generated code accesses the Data Division in object (.obj) code.
FLAG Makes the Compiler produce language-level certification flags when it finds syntax that is not part of a specified dialect
FLAGAS Makes the Compiler output flagging messages as error messages, warning messages or informational messages.
FLAGEUC Flags occurences of SBCS (8-bit codes) and certain occurences of DBCS (16-bit codes) in the source code.
FLAGMIG Causes the Compiler to flag any syntax that behaves differently at run time depending on the setting of CMPR2.
FLAGQ Enables the Compiler prompt you to stop compiling each time it gives a flagging message.
FLAGSINEDIT Specifies whether flagging messages are to be included in an error file.
FLAGSTD Makes the Compiler produce language-level certification flags when it finds syntax that is not part of a specified level of
the ANSI'85 Standard.
FOLD-CALL-NAME Folds the identifier/literal associated with CALL, CANCEL, ENTRY, and CHAIN statements and the program-name in the PROGRAM-ID
paragraph to upper or lower case.
FOLD-COPY-NAME Determines whether copybook names should be converted to upper case or lower case.
FORM Specifies the number of lines on each page of the listing.
FP-ROUNDING Determines whether one floating-point receiving item can affect the results of other, nonfloating-point receiving items.
GNT Specifies the name of the generated code file.
GNTLITLINKSTD In an Intel x86 32-bit environment, a CALL statement from a .gnt file that has both call-convention 2 and call-convention 8 in effect, suppresses call-convention 8 by default. Set this directive
to prevent the suppression.
HIDE-MESSAGE Registers an error message to hide so that if the error is encountered, it is ignored.
HOSTARITHMETIC Controls whether or not decimal truncation of arithmetic results occurs following a size error condition.
HOSTCONTZERO For files defined with the RECORD CONTAINS"0" clause, this directive instructs the File Handler to take the record length
from the catalog rather than the file description entry.
HOSTFD Specifies that the record area associated with a file should only be allocated at the time of an OPEN statement and not before.
HOST-NUMCOMPARE Controls the operation of comparisons involving numeric data items.
HOST-NUMMOVE Ensures that run-time error 163 (illegal characters in numeric fields) does not occur when certain MOVE statements are executed
on numeric display data items or numeric operands.
HOSTRW Causes Report Writer to produce mainframe print files with the full range of ASA characters.
IBM-MS Specifies that words reserved in IBM COBOL V1.00 are to be regarded as reserved words, and changes the behavior of certain
features to be compatible with that COBOL system.
IGNOREEXEC Specifies that procedural EXEC statements are to be treated as documentary only.
ILARRAYPROPERTY Controls the way in which the Compiler generates code for data items that include the PROPERTY phrase, and which either include
the OCCURS phrase or are subsidiary to a group item with the OCCURS clause.
ILASSEMBLY Specifies the name of the assembly created.
ILCOMPANY Defines the company name custom attribute in the assembly manifest.
ILCONDITIONPARAM Enables the support for conditional expressions as method parameters.
ILCOPYRIGHT Defines the copyright custom attribute in the assembly manifest.
ILCULTURE Defines the culture custom attribute in the assembly manifest.
ILCUTPREFIX Removes a specified prefix from the names of the COBOL data items in your source code.
ILDELAYSIGN Indicates whether to reserve space in the assembly for the strong name signature, or to defer the actual signing until later.
ILDESCRIPTION Defines the description attribute in the assembly manifest.
ILDOC Generates documentation in xml format using comments in the code, and puts the documentation in the specified file.
ILDYNCALL Specifies that CALL literal statements are resolved at run time rather than being resolved at compile time.
ILEXPONENTIATION Enables you to optimize exponential arithmetic operations by specifying the calculation method used.
ILEXPOSEALPHA Determines how alphanumeric parameters passed BY VALUE to a method or parameterized section are exposed within .NET COBOL programs.
ILEXPOSEGROUP Determines how group parameters passed BY VALUE to a method or parameterized section are exposed within .NET COBOL programs.
ILFILEVERSION Instructs the compiler to use a specific version number for the Win32 file version.
ILGEN Generates the IL for a program with a main program entry point or for a library without one.
ILICON Adds the specified icon to the output program.
ILKEYFILE Specifies a key file, which contains a key or public/private key pair for strong naming an assembly.
ILKEYNAME Specifies the container of a key or key pair that has been installed in the Crypto Service Provider (CSP).
ILLOADSTRING Determines the way that string loads are generated in a program compiled to .NET.
ILMAIN Specifies the entry method for the executable program being compiled.
ILMANIFEST Selects a manifest generation option when the application runs on Windows Vista under User Account Control (UAC).
ILNAMESPACE Specifies the default namespace for items such as classes when building a project.
ILNATIVE Exposes COBOL 01 level data items as managed (.NET or Java) primitives where possible.
ILNATIVERESOURCE The resource file you specify will be included in the resulting output file.
ILNORMALIZENAMES Determines the program elements that are normalized when a procedural COBOL program is compiled to managed code. Normalization in this context results in replacing all $ and - (hypen) characters in the name with _ (underscore) characters.
ILOBJECTIFY (deprecated) ILOBJECTIFY is deprecated, and supported for backward compatibility only.
ILOPTIMIZEDATA Causes the Compiler to optimize any numeric data item to a native managed type (typically a 32-bit or 64-bit integer) when it determines that it is safe to do so.
ILOUTPUT Sets the path of the output assembly file or Java class file.
ILPARAMS Determines the way in which you call a method that contains an array as its last receiving parameter.
ILPINVOKE Makes the specified unmanaged code available, so that the entry points in the unmanaged code are available to the program being compiled. See the Visual Studio Help topic Calling Native Functions from Managed Code.
ILPRODUCT Defines the product name custom attribute in the assembly manifest.
ILPRODUCTVERSION Instructs the compiler to use a specific version number for the Win32 product file version.
ILREF This directive makes the Visual Studio Framework classes in the specified assembly available to the program being compiled.
ILRESOURCE Specifies a resource file to embed in the assembly file when it is culture neutral.
ILSHOWPERFORMOVERLAP Generates a warning when an overlapping PERFORM range is detected in the program.
ILSMARTANNOTATE Applies attributes to the properties generated as a result of ILSMARTLINKAGE. It applies the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.StringLengthAttribute attribute to the properties of an alphanumeric data item, and it applies the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Range attribute to the properties of a numeric item.
ILSMARTLINKAGE Exposes the linkage section and entry points in procedural COBOL programs to .NET COBOL code, by creating types.
ILSMARTNEST Use in conjunction with ILSMARTLINKAGE, to expose the Linkage Section items and entry points to managed code (such as C# or Java) as nested classes of the program class in which they are defined.
ILSMARTRESTRICT Limits the generation of properties in ILSMARTLINKAGE classes to non-redefining elementary items.
ILSMARTSERIAL Use in conjunction with ILSMARTLINKAGE. Makes the classes generated with ILSMARTLINKAGE serializable.
ILSMARTTRIM This directive works in conjunction with ILSMARTLINKAGE, where it trims any trailing spaces from a string item returned by
the get property associated with an alphanumeric item processed by ILSMARTLINKAGE.
ILSOURCE Specifies an additional COBOL source file to be compiled together with the current program into a single .NET assembly or
Java class file.
ILSTACKSIZE Sets the size of the stack when the program is run.
ILSTATIC Exposes the entry points of a COBOL program as static methods for compatibility with previous releases.
ILSTDLIB Helps you to ensure that your .NET COBOL code compiles with the correct version of the .NET Framework Microsoft Common Object
assembly (mscorlib.dll).
ILSTRINGLOAD Strings being defined in a class are placed in a COBOL-specific backing file, where they are converting into strings at run
ILSUBSYSTEM Specifies the subsystem directive to the MSIL Assembler (ilasm.exe). See the Visual Studio Help topic MSIL Assembler (ilasm.exe).
ILTARGET Enables an application to target a specified CPU type.
ILTITLE Defines the title custom attribute in the assembly manifest.
ILTRADEMARK Defines the trademark custom attribute in the assembly manifest.
ILUSING Specifies the namespace for a class to be imported. This directive enables you to write just the class name in the program
code, without its namespace, potentially making the code shorter and simpler.
ILVERIFY Ensures that the compiled IL code is verifiable.
IMPLICITSCOPE Enables the syntax checker to produce warning messages for cases where scope has been implicitly ended. This usually occurs
where the scope terminator (END-VERB) could have been used.
INC-FORMAT Defines the interpretation of periods in --INC and ++INCLUDE names.
INDD Causes ACCEPT statements to be read from a specified file.
INFORETURN Specifies the return-code value returned by the Compiler when it produces only informational messages.
INITIAL Determines how Working-Storage is initialized for programs marked as IS INITIAL.
INIT-BY-TYPE Initializes Working-Storage data items to a default value, according to their type.
INITCALL Specifies modules to be called immediately before the first statement of the program is executed.
INITPTR Enables the INITIALIZE statement to initialize DATA-POINTER, OBJECT-REFERENCE, and PROGRAM-POINTER data types.
INT Specifies the name of the intermediate code file.
INTDATE Selects the starting date for integer format dates used with date intrinsic functions.
INTLEVEL When intermediate code is being created by the Compiler, this directive controls the level of portability of the code created
to different versions of Micro Focus COBOL systems in other environments.
IOCONV Selects between a straight group move and conversion of elementary record descriptions (ANSI behavior) when processing READ
... INTO and WRITE ... FROM statements.
ISO2002 Specifies that words reserved in the ISO2002 COBOL Standard are to be treated as reserved words, and changes the behavior
of certain features to be compatible with that standard.
IXNLSKEY Specifies that the File Handler should sort index file keys according to the local collating sequence rather than the ASCII
collating sequence.
IXNUMKEY Enables true numeric sorting on index keys.
JAPANESE Enables the use of Micro Focus Japanese Language Extension (PIC N, Japanese data-names and Japanese procedure-names).
JAVA-CALLABLE Determines if the COBOL program is callable from Java.
KEYCHECK Specifies whether the File Handler checks that all the keys belonging to the indexed file you are opening are defined in your
KEYCOMPRESS Specifies the type of key compression to be done on indexed files.
LITLINK Makes the Compiler declare the literals in CALL literal statements as public symbols, so they are resolved at link time rather than run time. (Calls generated in this way are referred
to as litlinked.)
LITVAL-SIZE Specifies the number of bytes to pass if the SIZE clause is omitted when passing numeric literals BY VALUE.
LNKALIGN Indicates that level-01 and level-77 Linkage Section items are always aligned on a machine-dependent favorable boundary.
LOCALSOURCEFORMAT Specifies that any setting of the SOURCEFORMAT directive in a source file is maintained for that file. This means that if
a file with a different SOURCEFORMAT setting is copied into the source file, when processing exits the copied code, the SOURCEFORMAT
setting returns to that originally specified in the source file.
MAKESYN Makes one reserved word synonymous with another.
MANAGED-FNC-PARAM-BY Determines whether user-defined function parameters are passed BY VALUE or BY REFERENCE by default when compiled with ILGEN.
MAPNAME Makes the Compiler alter program-names and entry-point names to make them compatible with OS/VS COBOL, DOS/VS COBOL, VS COBOL
II and COBOL/370.
MAX-ERROR Causes the Compiler to abort when the specified number of errors have been produced.
METHODDEFAULT Sets the default method for passing parameters.
MF, MFLEVEL Enables forward compatibility with Micro Focus COBOL systems by selectively enabling Micro Focus-specific reserved words and changing the behavior of certain features to be compatible with particular versions.
MFCOMMENT Treats lines with an asterisk (*) in column 1 the same as comment lines but does not show them in the source listing.
MOVE-LEN-CHECK Causes the Compiler to check source and target lengths for alphanumeric MOVE operations, and produces a warning message if
they are different.
MS Facilitates forward compatibility with Microsoft COBOL systems by selectively enabling Microsoft-specific reserved words and
changing the behavior of certain features to be compatible with particular versions.
MVS Specifies that words reserved in IBM COBOL for MVS are to be treated as reserved words.
NATIONAL Enables you to select the level of NATIONAL support.
NATIVE Specifies the default collating sequence for comparisons.
NATIVE-FLOATING-POINT Determines whether a program's floating point data items are to use IBM hexadecimal format.
NCHAR Enables the use of Micro Focus Double-byte Language Extension (PIC N, Japanese data-names and Japanese procedure-names).
OPT (Non-Intel x86 platforms) Specifies the level of optimization of the code produced in the object code file. Use this version of the OPT directive on
operating systems that use chips other than the Intel x86 chip, for example, AIX, Solaris Sparc, HP-UX, IA64 (this list is
not exhaustive).
OPTIONAL-FILE Makes the Compiler treat all files opened for I-O or EXTEND as optional.
OS390 Specifies that words reserved in IBM COBOL for OS/390 R2V2 are to be treated as reserved words.
OSEXT Tells the Compiler what extension to expect by default on the names of source files.
OSVS Specifies that words reserved in IBM OS/VS COBOL are to be treated as reserved words.
OUTDD Causes DISPLAY and EXHIBIT statements to be written to a specified output file.
P64 This directive is reserved for internal use by this COBOL system. Because it might appear in the list of settings, it is included
for completeness. It is not intended for your use, and its setting should not be changed.
PANVALET Allows ++INCLUDE statements in your program.
PARAMCOUNTCHECK Enables the program to be called with fewer parameters than are specified in the relevant entry point's USING clause.
PC1 Specifies that words reserved in IBM COBOL V1.00 are to be regarded as reserved words, and changes the behavior of certain
features to be compatible with that COBOL system.
PCOMP Enables you to specify a user program as a precompiler for COBOL files.
PERFORM-TYPE Specifies the behavior of return jumps from nested PERFORM statements.
PERFORMOPT Determines if the Compiler should optimize out code to PERFORM empty paragraphs in generated native code.
PPLITLINK Makes the Compiler declare literals as public symbols, in a SET statement using a data item defined as USAGE IS PROCEDURE-POINTER.
This means literals are resolved at link time rather than run time. (Symbol references defined in this way are referred to
as litlinked.)
PREPLIST Causes the list file produced during a compilation to show both the original and modified source created by the preprocessor.
It shows all data passed to the Compiler by a preprocessor and any resultant messages on the preprocessor-inserted code.
PREPROCESS, P Makes the Compiler take the source program from a preprocessor instead of a source file.
PRESERVECASE Ensures that COBOL items declared in the current program retain their case and are not converted to uppercase as is usual
in COBOL. This enables the items to be found from outside the program.
PRINT Specifies the destination of the source listing file.
PRINT-EXT Specifies the extension to be added to the filename associated with the ASSIGN TO PRINTER clause.
PROFILE Includes code in your program to produce detailed performance statistics each time you run the program.
PROGID-COMMENT Allows comments following the PROGRAM-ID header in the Program-Id paragraph.
PROGID-INT-NAME Causes the name of the intermediate code file to be taken from the PROGRAM-ID clause, rather than the name of the source file.
PROTECT-LINKAGE Extends the standard COBOL semantics so that the lengths of parameters can differ between the calling and the called program.
RECURSECHECK Turns on checking for recursion in generated code.
REENTRANT Controls reentrancy of a multithreading program. Any program that is to be reentrant in a multi-threaded application must
be compiled with this directive. If REENTRANT is specified, many program areas are dynamically allocated, so that it is safe
to have multiple copies of the program running.
REF Makes the Compiler include in the source listing the intermediate code address of each Procedure Division statement.
REFNO Makes the Compiler display its internal reference number at the start of a compilation as well as at the bottom of every listing.
REMAINDER Enables you to select how the remainder is calculated in a DIVIDE statement.
REMOVE Removes words from the reserved word list, so that they can be used as user-defined words.
REPORT-LINE Specifies the maximum length of a Report Writer line.
REPOSITORY Creates a repository file or requests that the program being compiled is checked against the repository file.
RESTRICT-GOTO Generates a syntax error for GO TO statements that transfer control to outside of the current section.
RETRYLOCK Specifies that when a READ statement finds that a record is locked, the READ operation is to be retried repeatedly until the
record is available.
REWRITE-LS Allows REWRITE statements on line sequential files.
RM Specifies that words reserved in RM/COBOL are to be regarded as reserved words, and changes the behavior of certain features
to be compatible with that COBOL system.
RM-FILE-ERRORS Generates run-time system errors for certain file conditions, even when a FILE STATUS clause is present; this is to emulate
RM/COBOL behavior.
RTNCODE-TYPE Defines the numeric type of the RETURN-CODE special register.
RTNCODE-SIZE Specifies the size of the RETURN-CODE special register and its alignment in memory.
RWHARDPAGE Causes the Report Writer control module to execute a form feed after the last item has been printed on a page, instead of
the usual multiple blank lines. This ensures that the paper is positioned correctly ready for a new page.
SAA Specifies that words reserved under the Systems Application Architecture (SAA) definition of COBOL are to be treated as reserved
SCHEDULER Controls the invocation of the Intel COBOL Optimizer.
SEQCHK Makes the Compiler check the sequence numbers in columns 1 through 6 and identify source lines that are out of sequence.
SEQUENTIAL Specifies the default file type for files defined (implicitly or explicitly) as ORGANIZATION SEQUENTIAL.
SERIAL Specifies that the program is to be a serial program.
SETTING, SETTINGS Makes the Compiler include in the source listing a list of the settings of directives.
SHARE-OUTDD When set, multiple threads can write to the same SYSOUT or OUTDD file. When not set, a file locking error occurs in this situation.
SHOW-DIR Makes the Compiler show the contents of directives files in the source listing.
SHOWPERFORMOVERLAP Generates a warning when an overlapping PERFORM range is detected in the program.
SIGN Specifies the default convention for signs in signed numeric DISPLAY data items.
SIGNDISCARD Specifies that a MOVE of a signed numeric DISPLAY field to a group item should discard the sign, and treat the group as an
elementary alphanumeric field.
SIGN-FIXUP Provides limited emulation of mainframe compiler options NUMPROC(NOPFD) and NUMPROC(PFD) for MOVE and COMPARE statements.
SORTTYPE Selects which mainframe SORT module to emulate.
SOURCEASM Makes the Compiler include source code statements in the assembler listing.
SOURCE-ENCODING Passes the encoding of the source program to the compiler.
SOURCEFORMAT Sets the layout format for your COBOL source.
SOURCETABSTOP Sets the tab stop boundary in effect. When the Tab key is pressed, the cursor advances n spaces to position itself on the next specified tab position.
SPZERO (deprecated) Causes space characters in numeric data items of USAGE DISPLAY to be treated as zeros.
SQL Causes EXEC SQL statements in your program to be replaced by ODBC run-time calls, depending on the options you specify.
SSRANGE Turns on bounds checking for reference modifications, subscripting and indexes.
STDERR Causes error messages to be echoed to STDERR rather than to the console (STDOUT).
STICKY-LINKAGE Makes parameters to the program remain linked during subsequent calls of the program.
STICKY-PERFORM Specifies the behavior of PERFORM statements when a program is reentered.
SUPFF Suppresses form-feed characters on the compilation listing if it is sent to the screen.
SWITCH-TYPE Makes programmable switches behave in the same way as in the ISO 2002 standard.
SYMBSTART Sets the number from which the Compiler counts positions in the collating sequence when compiling the SYMBOLIC CHARACTERS
SYSPUNCH Specifies the SYSPUNCH record length to be used.
TERMPAGE Determines whether the last page of a report file is to be padded with blank lines until it is a full page in length.
TESTCOVER Enables you to use the test coverage tool, which creates a statistical execution profile of a program.
TIME Puts the time at the top of each page of the listing.
TRACE Enables READY TRACE and RESET TRACE statements.
TRICKLE (deprecated) This directive is deprecated, and provided for backward compatibility only.
TRUNC Specifies whether data being stored into a USAGE COMP, USAGE BINARY or USAGE COMP-4 item is to be truncated to the size given
by the item's PICTURE clause or to the maximum size the item can hold.
TRUNCCALLNAME Truncates subprogram names to a specified length.
TRUNCCOPY Specifies whether to truncate the names of copybooks.
TRUNCINC Specifies whether to truncate the names of ++INCLUDE files.
UNICODE Specifies the encoding to be used for Unicode characters.
USE Makes the Compiler read directives from a file.
VERBOSE Sends messages from the Compiler to the screen.
VSC2 Specifies that words reserved in IBM VS COBOL II are to be treated as reserved words, and enables selected features for compatibility
with a given level of that COBOL system.
WARNING, WARNINGS Specifies the lowest severity level of errors to report.
WRITELOCK, WRITE-LOCK Makes the WRITE and REWRITE statements acquire a record lock when the program is locking multiple records in a shared data
file in a multi-user environment.
XDB Causes EXEC SQL statements in your program to be replaced by XDB calls, depending on the options you specify.
XMLGEN Specifies whether the Compiler should produce an XML model file for either the file section or the working-storage section
data items defined in the program.
XMLPARSE Determines the behavior of the XML PARSE statement and special registers relating to XML events.
XOPEN Specifies that words reserved under the X/Open definition of COBOL are to be treated as reserved words.
XREF Makes the Compiler produce a cross-reference listing.
ZEROLENGTHFALSE Changes the way that class tests involving zero-length items are carried out.
ZEROSEQ Causes leading zeros to appear in the sequence numbers in columns 1 through 6.
ZWB This Compiler directive is not intended for your use, and its setting should not be changed. It is included here for completeness,
because it might appear in the list of settings.