You need administrator access to perform this task.
User impersonation options are set in the .NET Framework's machine.config file. Impersonation options are set as key/value pairs using the add element in the file's MicroFocus.SEE section.
The file is in %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\version\Config or %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\version\Config, where version is the .NET Framework version used by Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET.
Use the file in Framework when running a 32-bit version of Windows, or the file in Framework64 when running on 64-bit Windows.
<!-- Added for Micro Focus SEE for .NET --> <section name="MicroFocus.SEE" type="MicroFocus.SEE.Utils.GlobalConfigurationSection, MicroFocus.SEE.Utils,Version=, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=0412c5e0b2aaa8f0" />
<!-- Added for Micro Focus SEE for .NET --> <MicroFocus.SEE> </MicroFocus.SEE>
Use the following syntax to add a key.
<add key="keyToAdd" value="keyValue" />
For example, the following key enables user impersonation of logged on users.
<MicroFocus.SEE> ... <add key=" Security.users.impersonateUsers" value="true" /> ... </MicroFocus.SEE>