seelistener [action] options
This command can be used to start, stop, or dynamically configure a communications listener.
- -add -channel:name
- Add listener channel
- -delete -channel:name
- Delete listener channel
- -disable -channel:name
- Disable listener channel
- -dump
- Output raw listener configuration
- -enable -channel:name
- Enable listener channel
- -i
- Install seelistener service
- -list
- List available listeners
- -list -channel
- List available channels
- -start
- Start a listener (default action)
- -stop
- Stop a listener
- -u
- Uninstall seelistener service
- -configfile:file-name
- Listener configuration file (-start, -i)
- -disable
- Disable the channel (-add)
- -disconnect
- Disconnect active sessions (-disable)
- -dispatcher:URL
- Dispatcher to communicate with (-add, -start)
- -enable
- Enable the channel (-add)
- -heartbeat:time
- Configures the keep-alive functionality for TN3270 channels. The
time variable is a value in seconds. For channels other than TN3270, the setting is ignored. This can also be configured using
the configuration file, which is the preferred method.
Note: When running in the Azure cloud, we recommend configuring a heartbeat time of 30 seconds.
- -listener:URL
- Listener to communicate with (-add, -delete, -list -channel, -dump, -disable -channel:, -enable -channel:, -stop)
- -nobanner
- Do not display utility welcome and copyright messages
- -out:output-file
- Output file name (-dump)
- -port:port-number
- Channel port number required for the "tn3270", "mfbinp" and "mq" protocols (-add)
- -protocol:protocol-name
- Channel protocol - "tn3270", "mfbinp", "mq" or "p2p" (-add)
- -qmname:qm-name
- Queue manager name, optionally required for the "mq" protocol (-add)
- -queue:queue-name
- Initiation queue name, required for the "mq" protocol (-add)
- -region:region-name
- Start listener configured with default channels for just this region. Configuration file is not processed (-add, -delete,
-list -channel, -start, -disable -channel:, -enable -channel:)
- -server:machine[:port]
- Machine and port of JES region listener. Default: -server:localhost:9022 (-list)
- -service_account:Windows service account type
- The type of Windows service account the seelistener service is to run under. The account type should be one of "localservice",
"networkservice", "localsystem", or "user". Default: -service_account:localsystem (-i)
- -service_password:password
- The password of the user under which the seelistener service is to run. Used with -service_account:user and -service_username:xxx
- -service_startup:Windows service startup type
- The startup type of the seelistener service. The startup type should be one of "manual", "automatic" or "disabled" (-i)
- -service_username:user-id
- The user under which the seelistener service is to run. Used with -service_account:user and -service_password:xxx (-i)
- -usedb
- Use the default SQL Server instance (-add, -delete, -list, -list channel, -start, -disable -channel:, -enable -channel:)
- -usedb:instance
- Use the specified SQL Server instance (-add, -delete, -list, -list -channel, -start, -disable -channel:, -enable -channel:)
- -verbose
- The command output displays all of the messages that the command generates
- -was
- Use a WAS hosted dispatcher. Ignored if -dispatcher:<URL> is specified (-start)
Using a configuration file with seelistener
By default, the
seelistener.exe.config file that resides in the same folder location as
seelistener.exe is used to configure
seelistener behavior. The configuration file specifies database connections, regions, communications channels and their options, WCF
service connection options, and CTF tracing settings. If you do not want
seelistener.exe to use the default configuration file, specify an alternative file using the
-configfile option.
Installing and Running seelistener as a Windows Service
seelistener is installed as a Windows service as part of the
Micro Focus Enterprise Server for .NET product installation. It is configured to run under the
localsystem account with
-service -nobanner -was set as its default command-line options. If you want to run the service under a different account, or with a custom configuration
file, you must first uninstall it using:
seelistener -u
and then re-install specifying the required account and/or custom configuration file. For example:
seelistener -i -service_username:mydom\me -service_password:xxx -configfile:c:\mydir\my.listener.config
will install the seelistener service to run under the user
mydom\me with the custom configuration file
Start the listener with the configuration being picked up from
Start the listener with the configuration being picked up from
seelistener -configfile:c:\mydir\listener.config
Install the listener as a Windows service:
seelistener -i
Uninstall the listener Windows service:
seelistener -u
List all registered listeners (uses the local event monitor):
seelistener -list
List all registered listeners (uses the event monitor on the machine named OTHERMC):
seelistener -list -server:OTHERMC
List all channels for the ESDEMO region associated with the MYSS database server instance configured for the given listener:
seelistener -list -channel -region:ESDEMO -usedb:MYSS -listener:net.tcp//MYMC:9186/...
Output the raw channel configuration for the given running listener to the standard output device:
seelistener -dump -listener:net.tcp//MYMC:9186/...
Output the raw channel configuration for the given running listener to the file named
seelistener -dump -out:c:\mydir\my.config -listener:net.tcp//MYMC:9186/...
Disable the channel named ABC for the ESDEMO region associated with the MYSS database server instance configured for the given
seelistener -disable -channel:ABC -region:ESDEMO -usedb:MYSS -listener:net.tcp//MYMC:9186/...
Enable the channel named ABC for the ESDEMO region associated with the MYSS database server instance configured for the given
seelistener -enable -channel:ABC -region:ESDEMO -usedb:MYSS -listener:net.tcp//MYMC:9186/...
Add the TN3270 channel named X specifying port 9813 for the ESDEMO region associated with the MYSS database server instance
to the given listener:
seelistener -add -channel:X -protocol:tn3270 -port:9813 -usedb:MYSS -region:ESDEMO -listener:net.tcp//MYMC:9186/...
Add the MQ channel named Y specifying the initiation queue named INITQ and queue manager named QMA for the ESDEMO region associated
with the MYSS database server instance configured to the given listener:
seelistener -add -channel:Y -protocol:mq -queue:INITQ -qmname:QMA -usedb:MYSS -region:ESDEMO -listener:net.tcp//MYMC:9186/...
Delete the channel named ABC for the ESDEMO region associated with the MYSS database server instance configured for the given
seelistener -delete -channel:ABC -region:ESDEMO -usedb:MYSS -listener:net.tcp//MYMC:9186/...
Stop the given listener:
seelistener -stop -listener:net.tcp//MYMC:9186/...