Creating the Cross-Region Database

Micro Focus recommends that you create the cross-region database before you start the PAC:

  1. At the command prompt, type the following:
    dbfhadmin -script -type:crossregion -provider:pg -name:MYPAC -file:create_crossregion_db.sql

    This creates a file containing the PostgreSQL statements to create the cross-region database.

  2. At the command prompt, type the following to create the cross-region database:
    dbfhadmin -createdb -provider:pg -type:crossregion -name:MYPAC -file:create_crossregion_db.sql -user:postgres
    Note: If the PostgreSQL server is running on a remote machine, the first field in the PostgreSQL password file must be hostname, and the dbfhadmin -host option must also be included.