Enterprise Test Server Editions and Managing Licenses

Enterprise Test Server comes in the following product variants:

  • Enterprise Test Server, which is the standard Test Server product and is a mainframe Test Execution environment.
  • Enterprise Test Server Premium, which also provides Test Automator. Use Test Automator to automate testing by creating automated test suites you can play back against Enterprise Test Server or against the host.

To manage your product licenses you need to use Micro Focus License Administration. The tool allows you to authorize, view and revoke licenses. You can set up your license locally or request a license from a central license server (if your site is using one).

Depending on your product configuration, you might, when you first install your product, have a trial license. During this period, if you have not already authorized your product with your authorization code, a dialog box will be displayed on product startup providing the opportunity to authorize your product. You can use Micro Focus License Administration to find out how many days remain on your license. You will not be able to use your product if, at the end of the trial license period, you have not authorized it with your authorization code.

If your product does not have a trial license, you must authorize it before you can use it.

See Managing Licenses for more details.