Accepting Incoming Changes

Your local workspace might contain outdated files caused by synchronized changes from Endevor to AccuRev, or by changes promoted in AccuRev by other users. There are several ways how Enterprise Developer supports updating the AccuRev workspace with changes done in the stream hierarchy.

  1. The Team Developer Tree and Table view displays the AccuRev status. Use Team > Refresh > Selected Projects from the context menu making sure that the all status information is up-to-date. The (stale) status is displayed if a workspace file needs to be updated by a newer file version available in the stream hierarchy. Use the Update AccuRev Workspace toolbar icon or Team > Update AccuRev Workspace > Entire Workspace from the context menu to update the workspace.
  2. Or, use the Synchronize with AccuRev Repository toolbar icon or Team > Synchronize with AccuRev Repository from the context menu to open the Synchronize view and manage the incoming changes in this view.
  3. After Updating the Workspace () and refreshing the project once again, the Team Developer views do not show files in (stale) status anymore and the Synchronize view should not display incoming changes.