Verifying Your MPE/iX Installation

Once your products are installed, you can verify that the installation was successful by compiling and running the "TOURHP" program. (Refer to Chapter 4 in Transitioning to ACUCOBOL-GT for detailed information about compiling and running programs in the HP e3000 environment.)

To test your installation, log into your own account. Make sure that the account has the PH capabilities described in the topic Before Installing extend Products (if needed) and that "ACUUDC.PUB.ACUCOBOL" has been cataloged. Then compile and run the "TOURHP" program.

TOURHP is a special sample program for HP e3000 users that demonstrates how to use the ACUCOBOL-GT compiler and runtime and creates a small KSAM file:

  1. Go to the ACUCOBOL-GT "sample" directory that contains sample COBOL source files:
    :CHDIR /ACUCOBOL/sample
  2. Compile the sample program named TOURHP:
    :ccbl "-cp -gd -v TOURHP"

    Most of the ACUCOBOL-GT files are case-sensitive. Be sure that "ccbl" is lowercase.

    In the command shown above,

    • The "-cp" option places the ACUCOBOL-GT compiler in HP COBOL compatibility mode. The compiler will automatically select a file with the ".cbl" extension.
    • The "-gd" option includes source code information in the compiled object for use with the interactive debugger.
    • The "-v" option places the compiler in "verbose" mode so that you will see messages displaying the compiler's status.

    When you press Enter after typing this command, you should see the following messages:

    Start TOURHP
           Data Division
           Procedure Division
           Including Debugging Info
           Writing Code Addresses
        Compilation complete

    If you get an error similar to the following:

    Unknown command name. (CIERR 975)

    It is probably because the path for "ccbl" was not added to your HPPATH environment variable. You can check this by typing:


    If the HPPATH is incorrect, you might see the following:


    Normally when ACUUDC is cataloged it will add "/ACUCOBOL/bin" to your path. Verify that ACUUDC is cataloged. If you don't want to add "/ACUCOBOL/bin" to HPPATH, you will have to specify the full or relative pathname as follows:

    :/ACUCOBOL/bin/ccbl "-cp -gd -v TOURHP"

    If you don't want to use ACUUDC, and prefer to type commands that are in the "/ACUCOBOL/bin" directory without having to enter the full or relative pathname, you can type:


    to set the HPPATH variable.

  3. Compiling the "TOURHP" program creates an object file in the same directory with the same prefix, "TOURHP", but with an extension of ".acu". (For more examples of how to compile your programs and what options are available, refer to Chapter 4 in Transitioning to ACUCOBOL-GT.)

    Use the LISTFILE command to display the compiled object:


    If you use the wildcard as shown, this should display "TOURHP" (the source COBOL program) and "TOURHP.acu" (the compiled object). The compiled object is ready to run using the ACUCOBOL-GT runtime system. No linking is required. If you use the following LISTFILE command:


    you should get a message indicating that the file "NEWKFILE" does not exist. This is the expected behavior. It simply means that the KSAM file that will be created by running the TOURHP program does not yet exist.

  4. Now run the compiled program with the following command:
    :runcbl "-c CNFGVAR TOURHP"

    In this case, the "-c" option tells the runtime to look for the configuration file named "CNFGVAR". This file sets the variable "DEFAULT_HOST" to "KSAM", causing the runtime to create KSAM files instead of Vision files. The runtime automatically selects a file with the ".acu" extension. If you run the same LISTFILE command indicated in step 3, you will see that a KSAM file named "NEWKFILE" has been created.

    If you get the message "Can't find entry for terminal in /ACUCOBOL/etc/a_termcap", you need to configure your terminal for ACUCOBOL-GT. This is set in the ACUUDC with the following command:

    :SETVAR A_TERM "hp"

    You can verify this by typing:


    For more information on configuring your terminal for ACUCOBOL-GT, see ACUCOBOL-GT User's Guide > Terminal Manager.

  5. When you have the "TOURHP" program running, you may want to set a configuration file to support the printers you have attached to your system. You may edit the "CNFGVAR" file supplied with the "TOURHP" program or the "/ACUCOBOL/etc/cblconfi" file supplied with ACUCOBOL-GT. (The "cblconfi" file is used by default, unless you specify a different file with the "-c" runtime option.) For more information about working with the configuration file, see ACUCOBOL-GT User's Guide > Compiler and runtime > Runtime Configuration.
  6. Note: EDITOR/iX cannot edit HFS files, so you need to use an editor that can, or move the file to a valid MPE/iX group using an MPE/iX name in uppercase.
  7. Read the "RELEASE" file (if present). It describes changes to the products not covered in the documentation. You can see if this file exists by typing:

    You can display it on the screen using the PRINT command. For example: