ECN-WB941 AcuBench code skeletons

Type of Change: Enhancement

Product: AcuBench

Module: acubench.exe

New Version: 10.0

Machines Affected: All

Description of enhancement:

It is now possible to modify the skeletons used in AcuBench to generate your COBOL code.

Instructions for use

Important: It is very easy to make modifications in such a way that AcuBench will no longer be able to generate COBOL code correctly, so we advise you to make a backup copy of AcuBench.Bin before attempting this procedure.

Firstly, extract all of the skeletons from AcuBench.Bin by executing acubench with a new /extract option:

acubench /extract AcuBench.Bin

This results in a number of .asp files, which can be modified. After modifying them, you need to rebundle the files back into AcuBench.Bin, with a new /bundle option:

acubench /bundle AcuBench.Bin

Also, we are not providing information about the syntax of these files, except to say that there are two types of information in them: literal text and keywords. Keywords are surrounded by at signs (@), these are meant to be (mostly) self-documenting, and misspelling them can cause severe problems. Literal text will be copied directly from the skeletons to the generated COBOL programs (with possible changes in the spacing of the text).