ECN-WB917 COPY files no longer store full path names

Type of Change: Enhancement

Product: AcuBench

Module: acubench.exe

New Version: 10.0

Machines Affected: Windows

Known Versions Affected: All

Description of enhancement

When linking a COPY file into the Working-Storage Editor, AcuBench no longer stores the full path to the linked file. Previously, this could be a problem if the project was opened on another machine and the path to the COPY file was different.

For example, when linking one of the COPY files distributed with ACUCOBOL-GT, AcuBench would store a path something like:

C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\acucbl920\AcuGT\sample\def\opensave.def

If the project was opened on a 64-bit machine, the path to the COPY file was slightly different, and so caused an error:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\acucbl920\AcuGT\sample\def