ECN-4339 Thin client can disappear during long file I/O

Type of Change: Enhancement


Module: Run Time

Incidents: 2808259

RPI Number: 1098232

New Version: 10.0

Machines Affected: Windows

Description of enhancement

When a COBOL program performs a lot of file I/O without interacting with the user, in a thin client environment, and if that user attempts to interact with the COBOL window (by trying to activate a control, for example), the thin client could just disappear after a few minutes.

Instructions for use

In general, this is correct behavior. A well-written COBOL program will allow interaction by the user at any time, and will handle it accordingly. For those misbehaving COBOL programs that don't respond to user interaction in a timely manner, there is a new command-line switch to acuthin, which instructs acuthin to wait forever for a run time when it is trying to get a response to an event (such as CMD-GOTO).

In order to use this new switch, add --notimeout to the acuthin command line, as in:

acuthin --notimeout server alias

Note that setting this switch may cause the thin client to wait for a run time that has died for some reason, without having notified the thin client. Therefore, it is better to rework your application and to not use this switch if possible, so that your application will respond correctly to user interaction.