XLs should be specified on the command line when you start the program. On the command line, after the XL= argument, specify the name of the XL. For example:
:RUN /ACUCOBOL/bin/runcbl; INFO='options program'; PARM=parameter; XL='xl.group.account'
shell/iX> callci "RUN /ACUCOBOL/bin/runcbl; INFO='options program'; PARM=parameter; XL='xl.group.account'"
options are any options to runcbl
program is the name of the program you want to run
parameter specifies any software switches you need to set
xl.group.account is the name of your XL
If you do not want to specify the XL on the command line, you can choose to link the name of the XL into the ACUCOBOL-GT runtime. To link an XL name into the runtime:
Edit /ACUCOBOL/lib/Makefile.
Change: LDFLAGS = -s
to: LDFLAGS = -s -WL,XL=/Account/group/name
where /Account/group/name is the name of your XL file.