ECN-4341 Entry Field now supports suggestions

Type of Change: Enhancement


Module: Run Time

New Version: 10.0

Machines Affected: Windows

Known Versions Affected: 10.0.0 and later

Description of enhancement

The Entry Field control now supports some additional properties, which result in the user being presented with suggestions for completing the entry; these suggestions are based on previous input to that entry field.

The following new properties are available for entry fields:

AUTOFILL-ID (numeric)

This property identifies the entry field as an autofill entry field. The ID identifies the values that should be presented to the user as possible suggestions. Only previous entries from an entry field with this ID will be presented. If this property is not specified, then the other AUTOFILL properties are ignored.

Note that use of this property prevents use of NOTIFY-CHANGE, and your COBOL program will not receive any NTF-CHANGED events for any controls with this property set.

AUTOFILL-FILENAME (alphanumeric)

This property identifies the data store. The data store is where to look for suggestions, and where to store suggestions for future use. If all users have access to this file, then suggestions will be made from all users who have entered data into the entry field with this ID. If only a subset of users have access, then only those users will get and store suggestions for entry fields with this ID. If this file does not exist, it will be created on the first use. All configuration file translating will be done on this filename, including which file system to use (e.g. MSSQL), with a default file system of VISION. If no filename is given, a filename will be constructed from program-name and ID.

If you want this data file to be a database table (for use with Acu4GL), an XFD file can be created automatically, before the file is opened, by setting the configuration variable AUTOFILL-NEEDS-XFD TRUE; without this variable, the XFD is not created.


This is the maximum number of suggestions that a user will be presented with. The default value is 10.