Screen properties are configured in the Screen Designer Property window. The Property window comprises a drop-down list box, which lists all of the elements that make up the current screen, and three tabs. The first two tabs, labeled Alphabetic and Categorized, list the available ACUCOBOL-GT properties for the screen element that appears in the drop-down list. The third tab, Event, lists all of the events, exceptions, and code insertion points associated with the selected screen element.
If you have the Screen Designer open and do not see the Property window, open the View menu and click Property Window.
To configure screen properties:
The screen name should appear in the drop-down list box at the top of the Property window.
As you become comfortable working in the Screen Designer, you may find it easier to work in the Categorized tab. Both tabs list all of the same properties, only the order is different. For ease of navigation, these preliminary steps use the alphabetical ordering.
The (Name) property acts as a screen handle, and is used to refer to the screen throughout the generated COBOL code.
If you want to change the screen name, click in the Value column and type in a new name. The screen name listed in the Structure view is automatically updated when you tab or click out of the field.
Changing the screen name also changes the unique prefix associated with the screen. Any existing control whose name includes the unique prefix is updated to indicate the new unique prefix. This prefix is the first 10 characters of the new screen name. You can change the unique prefix at any time by right-clicking the screen form and clicking Change Prefix.
The default screen font is Small Fonts, which corresponds to the default Windows XP system font.
When you click or tab away from the field, the title bar on the screen form is updated to reflect your changes.
For more information about windows, screens, and their properties, consult Book 2 of the ACUCOBOLGT documentation set. In addition, Book 3, which details the syntax of the DISPLAY INITIAL WINDOW and DISPLAY FLOATING WINDOW statements, provides a comprehensive list of window properties.