What files do I need to link my C routines into Acu4GL?
You need to modify the file
makefile.ora to add your C routines to the file and then relink your run time with the command
make -f makefile.ora.
When I try to open a file for output, I get the error 9/83, with a secondary error of 904 Invalid Column Name. Why?
One of your record's data items probably has the same name as an Oracle reserved word. Locate the column by comparing a file
trace of the CREATE TABLE to Oracle's list of reserved words and then apply the NAME XFD directive to the column in question.
I created a table the last time I ran the application, and now I can't find it. Why?
This is probably a file (table) ownership problem. If you were running the application under a different user name when you
created the file, that table may not be visible unless the creating user's name is listed in your
ACUCOBOL-GT runtime configuration file variable.
Acu4GL support a full datetime format?
The finest time granularity that Oracle supports is one second. Fractions of a second are not supported. In order to achieve
this, you must be sure the
xfd date code is correct and specify a date-time string in your COBOL application, as opposed to just a date. For additional information,
see the reference topic
Date XFD directive.
Are there any library routines that do not work with or would not make sense to use with Acu4GL?
Yes. There are two. C$COPY and C$RECOVER either don't work with or do not make sense to use with Connector for Oracle.