The Keyboard options allow you to view, define, redefine, or remove the keyboard shortcut keys associated with workbench commands. A complete list of workbench commands and their default keyboard shortcut settings is provided in Keyboard Shortcut Reference.
At the top of the Keyboard options screen, next to the Categories label, is a drop-down list of three command categories: Main, Code Editor, and Screen Designer. Main is a superset of Code Editor and Screen Designer.
You can set Keyboard options as follows:
To view a shortcut key definition, locate the command of interest in the list. The shortcut key definition, if any, is displayed in the column to the right of the command.
Use the following procedures to assign a shortcut key:
Look under the Currently assigned to label to see if that key (or key combination) is already defined for another command. It is possible to assign the same key to more than one command. However, doing so is only desirable when the commands can only be activated in mutually exclusive states. For example, the key combination Ctrl+G might be defined in the Code Editor to perform a GotoLine command and in the Screen Designer to toggle the grid (ToggleGrid). Because you can’t be actively working in both the Code Editor and Screen Designer at the same time, typing Ctrl+G is never ambiguous, and the correct action is always performed. In the case where the commands do not belong to mutually exclusive states, the results are undefined.
To remove a shortcut key, locate the desired command and click it. Note that a short description of the command is displayed to the right of the Currently assigned to label. Click Remove.
To restore the default shortcut definitions, click Reset All.