In the Project Settings dialog box, above the tree view listing all of the projects in the current workspace, a Settings For drop-down list displays the current mode. If you have more than one mode defined for a project, or more than one project defined in a workspace, it is essential to make sure that you are working in the correct mode for the correct project.
Settings made to a mode in one project do not affect any other project, even if both projects have a mode with the same name. Likewise, changes made to one mode in a project do not affect any other mode in the same project.
Consider the following. You have a workspace containing two projects: MainPrj and Alternate. You have defined a custom Production mode for MainPrj and want to change the FILE_PREFIX setting for that mode. If you enter the Project Settings dialog box and click Production mode, but fail to notice that Alternate is selected as a project, when it comes time to execute a program in MainPrj, you will either receive a file error or access the wrong set of data files, because the FILE_PREFIX setting will be incorrect.