To create a program structure file for an existing source file and add the updated program to a project, use the following
- In the File view of the Workspace window, expand the project node to which you plan to add your program.
- Right-click the project’s Source folder and select Add/Remove Files.
- Locate and select your source file(s) in the Files to be added section of the dialog.
- Click the Add button and verify that the name of each selected source file appears in the Files in project list at the bottom of the dialog.
- Make sure that the check box in the Create .PSF column of the Files in Project list is marked for each source file for which you want to add a program structure file.
- Click OK. AcuBench creates a program structure file and inserts tags into the source file.
When you switch to the Structure view, a new program node appears in your project. Note that the program icon is different
than the icon used for new AcuBench programs that you create. This serves as a reminder that some of the workbench’s automation
tools are not available with programs that have been imported into AcuBench in this manner.