You need product codes, product keys, and the product media available to perform the installation. The installation process involves three main steps: create directories, extract the files from the Saveset onto your machine, and then copy certain files to specific directories.
Perform these installation steps using the SYSTEM account:
These instructions use the directory structure shown in Before You Begin, and is referred to as "path".
For example, to extract the files from a CD-ROM in device DQA0:, insert the CD-ROM into drive DQA0:, then type the following commands:
These commands reserve the device so that no other process can access it. If you misspelled the device specification, or if the device is already in use, you will get a corresponding message after a short while.
You will need this information to extract the product files in the next step.
DIRECTORY DQA0:[000000...]*.BCK
The Saveset is called "COBOL.BCK" and typically resides in a directory called "[ACUCOBOL]". If you find more than one Saveset and you don't know which one to use, contact Micro Focus.
For example:
Then enter the command:
Note that the two lines above are one command, and that the qualifier "/SAVE_SET" is always required when accessing Savesets on disks.
After extracting the release files from the product media, read the "RELEASE" file if present. The RELEASE file contains changes to the compiler not covered in the documentation.
If you copied the Saveset via FTP to your system, use the BACKUP command above, replacing the source specification with the name and path of your Saveset.
Define one symbol each for the compiler, the runtime system, the object file utility, and the Vision file utility for every user who will use ACUCOBOL-GT. You also need to define a symbol for the Activator utility for the system administrator. If you are installing AcuConnect, define a symbol for that product as well. If you want to allow everyone to have access to an executable, you can place the command in the "SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM". Otherwise, place it in the "LOGIN.COM" file for each user who requires access.
Use the following commands to define these symbols:
CCBL == "$disk:[directory]CCBL.EXE" RUNCBL == "$disk:[directory]RUNCBL.EXE" CBLUTIL == "$disk:[directory]CBLUTIL.EXE" VIO == "$disk:[directory]VIO.EXE" ACTIVATOR == "$disk:[directory]ACTIVATOR.EXE" ACURCL == "$disk:[directory]ACURCL.EXE"
Using the directory structure shown in Before You Begin, the first command would look like this:
Log out and back in to get the ACUCOBOL symbols defined for you.
Make sure it has read and execute permission for everyone by using the following command:
Make sure it too has read and execute permission for everyone by using the following command:
You may need to edit this file. In particular, you should configure it to support the printers you have attached to your system. The ACUCOBOL-GT User's Guide contains details about the configuration file.
Then try compiling and running the "tour" demonstration program with the following commands:
If you have a VT100-compatible terminal, you should be able to run this program. To make use of some of the more advanced features of your particular terminal (or if you do not have a VT100 compatible), configure your terminal as outlined in the ACUCOBOL-GT User's Guide > Terminal Manager.
Refer to, AcuConnect User's Guide > The AcuConnect Server > Installing AcuConnect on an OpenVMS Server for information about these settings.