The RECORD clause describes the size of the logical records.
General Format
{ IS VARYING IN SIZE [ FROM min-rec ] }
{ [ TO max-rec ] CHARACTERS }
{ [ DEPENDING ON depend ] }
Syntax Rules
- min-rec is an integer literal that defines the smallest record size.
- max-rec is an integer literal that defines the largest record size.
- depend is a numeric data item described in Working Storage or in Linkage.
ddepend cannot be in the File Section.
General Rules
- This clause is never required, because the minimum and maximum record sizes of a file are computed by the compiler from the
file's record descriptions. However, you may want to use this clause to indicate variable-length records.
Note: For objects compiled for runtimes earlier than version 10, the compiler has an internal restriction of at least 6 bytes for
SORT FILE records. If a record is shorter than that, the compiler detects it and pads the record to 6 bytes. Note also that
in versions prior to 5.0, using SORT FILE with records shorter than 6 bytes would cause crashes.
- No record description for a file can contain more characters than specified by
max-rec or fewer characters than specified by
- If
min-rec is omitted, it is set to be equal to
- If the VARYING phrase is used, then the file has variable-length records. If the CONTAINS phrase is used, and both
min-rec and
max-rec are specified, the file will contain variable-length records. If the CONTAINS phrase is used and only
max-rec is specified, then the file will contain fixed-length records.
- If the DEPENDING ON phrase is used, the size of the record written or rewritten to the file is set according to the value
depend. When a record is read from the file,
depend is set to the size of the record found. Using the DEPENDING ON phrase automatically implies that the file has variable-length
Note: Other source statements may take precedence over the RECORD clause in determining the record type. The complete rules for
determining a file's record type are described in
File Types.