ECN-AW042 Gateway configuration file now supports plain text format

RPI: 627632

Product: AcuToWeb

Module: AcuToWeb

Machines Affected: all


The AcuToWeb configuration file, named gateway.conf by default, is now supported as a plain text file, as well as the existing JavaScript format. As a plain text file, you can include comments in the configuration file. Syntax rules for the plain text format are:
  • Lines starting with # are comments
  • All other lines are key-value pairs
  • Key-value pairs are separated by spaces, tabs or = characters
  • Keys are case insensitive

By default, the gateway.conf file resides in C:\etc (Windows) or /etc (UNIX) directory.

If you use the AcuToWeb Control Panel to specify an existing gateway.conf file that is in JavaScript format, it is automatically converted to plain text format.