Example - TestNetToCobol

Following is the COBOL source for a sample program, "TestNetToCobol.cbl".

identification division. 
program-id. TestNetToCobol. 
environment division. 
configuration section. 
data division. 
working-storage section. 

linkage section. 
77 string-in-out          pic x(32) value spaces. 
77 int-in-out             USAGE IS SIGNED-INT. 

procedure division using string-in-out, int-in-out. 

     move "hey whats doin" to string-in-out. 
     entry "int-only" using int-in-out. 
     move 9999 to int-in-out. 
     exit program. 

View of Managed Code in Visual Studio .NET Object Browser

Following is a screen that shows what "TestNetToCobol_CVM" looks like to a .NET programmer in the Visual Studio .NET object browser (once you've generated a .NET DLL for this program with the "--netdll" option). Notice that there are methods other than the COBOL program entry points and main Procedure Division paragraph in this browser. These ACUCOBOL-GT runtime interfaces are documented in the section CVM Class.

.NET Object Browser

C# Source

Here is a C# program that makes reference to "TestNetToCobol_CVM".

using System; 
using System.Drawing; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.ComponentModel; 
using System.Windows.Forms; 
using System.Data; 
using testnettocobol; 
//using testnettocobol_CVM; 
namespace TestDll 
     /// <summary> 
     /// Summary description for Form1. 
     /// </summary> 
     public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form 
          testnettocobol.testnettocobol cblObj; 
          private System.Windows.Forms.Button button1; 
          /// <summary> 
          /// Required designer variable. 
          /// </summary> 
          private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null; 
          public Form1() 
               // Required for Windows Form Designer support 
               // TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call 
          /// <summary> 
          /// Clean up any resources being used. 
          /// </summary> 
          protected override void Dispose( bool disposing ) 
               if( disposing ) 
                    if (components != null)  
               base.Dispose( disposing ); 
          #region Windows Form Designer generated code 
          /// <summary> 
          /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify 
          /// the contents of this method with the code editor. 
          /// </summary> 
          private void InitializeComponent() 
               this.button1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); 
               // button1 
               this.button1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(104, 24); 
               this.button1.Name = "button1"; 
               this.button1.TabIndex = 0; 
               this.button1.Text = "Test"; 
               this.button1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click); 
               // Form1 
               this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size(5, 13); 
               this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(292, 101); 
               this.Name = "Form1"; 
               this.Text = "Form1"; 
          /// <summary> 
          /// The main entry point for the application. 
          /// </summary> 
          static void Main()  
               Application.Run(new Form1()); 
          private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) 
               testnettocobol_CVM.errorTypes err = testnettocobol_CVM.errorTypes.CS_OK; 
               IntPtr pInfo = IntPtr.Zero; 
               int cblReturn = 0; 
               string err_msg; 
               int some_int = 777; 
               string some_string;  
               // Instantiate COBOL object and CVM, COBOL VIRTUAL MACHINE 
               cblObj = new testnettocobol.testnettocobol(); 
               // Set ACUCOBOL-GT runtime options (properties) 
               cblObj.RunPath = "D:\\branch_7_1\\cobolgt\\bin"; 
               cblObj.Debug = true; 
               cblObj.LinkageLength = true; 
               //cblObj.Cache = true; 
               // Initialize the ACUCOBOL-GT runtime 
                    //  The second to last parameter is for options specific 
                    //  to a method call.  They may also be set via properties 
                    //  before the method call is executed. 
                    //  The last parameter is the return code from the COBOL program. 
                    // call an ENTRY in the ACUCOBOL-GT program 
                    some_int = 1111; 
                    cblReturn = 0; 
                    err = cblObj.int_only(ref some_int, null, ref cblReturn); 
                    // call the main ENTRY, 1st COBOL line in PROCEDURE DIVISION 
                    some_int = 1422; 
                    some_string = "The hills are Alive             "; 
                    err = cblObj.testnettocobol_CVM_main(ref some_string, 
                                             ref some_int, 
                                             ref cblReturn); 
               catch (System.Exception e2) 
                    Exception innerE = e2.InnerException; 
                    if ((innerE != null) && (innerE.Message.Length > 0)) 
                         err_msg = innerE.Message; 
                         if (e2.Message.Length > 0) 
                              err_msg = e2.Message; 
                              err_msg = "AcuNet Temp Object Create Error";      
               // test runtime return code 
               if (err != testnettocobol_CVM.errorTypes.CS_OK) 
                    // get error text property  