ACUCOBOL-GT Enhancements
This section includes the enhancements related to ACUCOBOL-GT.
ECN-4438 vutil -key now allows you to create and modify keys that do not allow duplicates
ECN-4439 New vutil -info option to display key descriptor information
ECN-4440 vutil key information display reformatted
ECN-4481 Vision 2 file format support discontinued
ECN-4484 New control properties for AcuToWeb styles
ECN-4487 New intrinsic function: INTERVAL-TIMER
ECN-4489 Intrinsic function syntax enhancement
ECN-4490 New intrinsic functions
ECN-4491 x64 and AMD64 native code generation
ECN-4501 ACCEPT statement enhanced with AcuToWeb TERMINAL-ABILITIES
ECN-4519 New PDF printing library routine for UNIX and Windows
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What's New