BIS uses a set of naming conventions to define a data area A Data Area defines an RPC pattern web services interface. It is important to follow the naming conventions. The benefit is the ability to create a WSDL, process web service requests, and provide web service responses with a level of simplicity.
Here is the data area definition for the simple look up:
78 Service-URI VALUE "{{Value(""tutorial.srf"",HTMLDECODE,MAKEABS)}}". 78 Service-Name VALUE "tutorial". 78 SOAP-Action-URI VALUE "". 78 Method-Namespace-URI VALUE "". 78 HTTP-Method-POST VALUE "POST". 78 HTTP-Method-GET VALUE "GET". 01 SOAP-Request-Response. 10 HTTP-Method VALUE HTTP-Method-POST. 88 HTTP-Method-Is-POST VALUE HTTP-Method-POST. 88 HTTP-Method-Is-GET VALUE HTTP-Method-GET. 10 Method-Name PIC X(100) VALUE SPACES. 88 Method-Is-Find VALUE "find". 10 Fault-Area. 20 FaultCode PIC X(10) VALUE SPACES. 20 FaultString PIC X(30) VALUE SPACES. 20 FaultDetail PIC X(80) VALUE SPACES. 10 Find--Method-Parameters. 20 Input-Parameters. 30 desired-company-name PIC X(50). 20 Output-Parameters. 30 Result PIC X(80). copy "offcode.rec" replacing ==05== by ==30==.
First a series of constants (level 78) is defined to collect many of the service-specific values into a single block.
In the definition of the 01-level SOAP-Request-Response, the first items (through 10 Fault-Area) should be defined as they are here. These definitions convey values to the XSLT stylesheets that create the WSDL, import the SOAP request, and form the SOAP response, and the names of these items must remain the same. However, condition-names (level 88) may be added, as these do not affect the values. Condition-names may be convenient for enumerating the possible method name values. By default, method name values are all folded to lowercase by the XSLT style sheets.
Method parameter definitions follow 10 Fault-Area, with a separate level 10 group data item defined for each method (function) in the service. The naming convention for these group items is: methodname--method-parameters, where methodname is the desired name of the method, followed by two hyphens. In this first example, there is only one method, named find. (Note that the method name is folded to lower case, so Find, FIND and fInD all result in a method named find.)
Within each method parameter group item, zero, one, two or three group items may exist. The names of these group items are: INPUT-PARAMETERS, OUTPUT-PARAMETERS, and INPUT-OUTPUT-PARAMETERS. Input and output parameters are defined within each of these groups as appropriate.