Enabling Log Files

Log files are disabled by default. To enable log files under BIS/IIS, set the following global environment variable:

 BIS_LOG=[ OFF | ON | <directory>]

Where the values are:

Disables logging - the same as if BIS_LOG is not specified, or is left blank.
Enables logging and directs the log files into the default location, which must not be read-only.
Enables logging and directs the log files into the specified directory. You must ensure that the BIS request handler has write permission for this directory. The directory must be an absolute path or network path. If the specified directory does not exist, BIS will attempt to create it. In this case, the containing directory must exist and BIS must have write permission.

The BIS_LOG variable is only examined when the BIS application pool is started or recycled. After setting or changing BIS_LOG, IIS must be restarted in order for the variable to take effect.

Note that an easy way for an administrator to set or clear this environment variable is with the SETX command. To enter this command at a Windows elevated command prompt:

 setx /M BIS_LOG ON

This enables BIS/IIS logging on Windows. The variable can also be set/cleared with the System Control Panel applet.