A confirmation box appears.
The service is either started or stopped.
To start the Gateway from a command prompt, run the following command from the AcuToWeb sub-directory of your installation directory:
.\Tools\Python\python.exe -OO .\Gateway\main.py .\conf\gateway.conf
However, this requires that your command prompt window must remain open whilst you require the gateway. An alternative command that does not require you to keep the window open is:
.\Tools\Python\pythonw.exe -OO .\Gateway\main.py .\conf\gateway.conf
If you use this command, you must use the Services dialog box on the Windows Control Panel to stop the gateway.
On UNIX/Linux platforms, there is an executable called acutoweb-gateway. This supports the following commands:
From a shell prompt, and in the directory that you installed AcuToWeb, use the following command:
./Python2.7/python -OO ./Gateway/main.py gateway.conf