ECN-AW073 Navigating AcuToWeb on mobile devices

RPI: 628692

Product: AcuToWeb

Module: AcuToWeb

Machines Affected: all


To enable existing desktop applications to run on mobile devices usually requires a certain amount of redesign and redevelopment, and often results in a mobile version of the application being produced. One of the main reason that a redesign is required is for navigational issues - if your application relies on extended keyboard functionality such as function keys, the ability to use these keys is often lost unless the program is rewritten to accommodate them on a mobile device.

With AcuToWeb, you can enable a mobile virtual keyboard, which provides extended keyboard functionality such as function keys and navigational keys, by displaying additional icons along the top of your application. This should compliment the alphanumeric virtual keyboard that your mobile device already provides.

You enable the mobile virtual keyboard using the Show Mobile Virtual Keyboard option on the Connection Setup screen.

Note: This option is enabled by default; however, if you are running on a non-mobile device, this option will have no effect.
