Whenever you try to start AcuServer, either by the acuserve -start command or the ACP, AcuServer returns a status to the operating system indicating success or failure. The way to get this status depends on your shell. When using the Bourne shell (or a compatible shell), echo $? to see the return status of any program executed from the shell.
The return codes are as follows:
Return Code | Description |
0 | Success. AcuServer is running. |
1 | Invalid argument. |
2 | Missing license. |
3 | Expired license. |
4 | Unable to open the error log file. |
5 | Unable to open the configuration file (writable by other than root). |
6 | Unable to open the AcuAccess file (missing or writable by other than root). |
7 | Unable to create a child process. |
8 | Too many servers running. |
9 | Unable to create a socket, but the socket is used by something other than AcuServer. |
10 | AcuServer is already running on this port. |