The ACUCOBOL-GT runtime does not come pre-configured to support the MPE file system. Therefore, if you want to access MPE files you must first enable the MPE file system in the runtime. This requires relinking the runtime. The steps for doing this are given below.
Before starting, it is helpful to verify the version and configuration of your ACUCOBOL-GT runtime. On the system, enter:
runcbl -vv
The "-vv" option causes the runtime to display detailed version and configuration information. On an HP-UX system the output is similar to:
ACUCOBOL-GT runtime version 10.3.0
Serial number 999999
Licensed for 1 user(s)
AcuServer client
Vision version 6 file system
XML version expat_1.95.4 file system
Copyright (c) Micro Focus 1985-2016 All rights reserved.
The end of the first line of output indicates the version of the runtime. To get MPE file system support, you must have Version 7.0.0, or later.
To enable MPE file system support, follow the steps below. The steps include relinking the runtime. Relinking requires that you have access to the host system's native C compiler. For complete information on relinking, see Relinking the Runtime System.
#define USE_VISION | 1 |
#define USE_RMS | 0 |
#define USE_CISAM | 0 |
#define USE_BTRIEVE | 0 |
#define USE_MPE | 0 |
Locate USE_MPE and set the value to "1". The file systems that are set to "1" are those that are enabled and linked. Those set to "0" are disabled and not linked. Any or all file systems may be enabled at the same time; the more systems you link, the larger your runtime system becomes.
FSI_SUBS = ksam.o
To remove support for MPE, remove ksam.o from FSI_SUBS.
This compiles sub.c and filetbl.c, and links the runtime.
To verify that MPE file system support is enabled, enter runcbl -vv. The output should now include the line:
KSAM version MPE/iX native and compatibility mode file system