RPI: 629023
Product: AcuToWeb
Module: AcuToWeb
Machines Affected: all
AcuToWeb now supports client side .NET assemblies, but must adhere to these rules:
- The AcuToWeb Desktop must be running alongside your COBOL program that uses the .NET assembly.
- The .NET assembly must not contain or use a graphical interface: it must be a function or set of functions that executes without
a display.
- The CREATE statement should use the FILE-PATH property to locate the
.dll file on which it is acting - if you do not use FILE-PATH, then AcuToWeb looks in the
C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\extend x.x.x\AcuToWeb\AcuToWeb Desktop directory.
- The
.dll should use the XML file format as shown in
Special Properties - FILE-PATH (alphanumeric).