ECN-AW152 Display and Print issues

  • 1108059
  • 1118655
  • 1118421
  • 1118729
  • 1118731
  • 1118732
  • 1118738
  • 1118925
  • 1118949
  • 1118959
  • 1118986
  • 1119058
  • 1119105
  • 1119107
  • 1119109
  • 1119111
  • 1119299
  • 1119343
  • 1119354
  • 1119670
  • 1119686
  • 1119688
  • 1119994
  • 1119999
  • 1120013
  • 1120190
  • 1120247
  • 1120296

Product: AcuToWeb

Module: AcuToWeb

Machines Affected: All


The following display and print issues have been corrected:

  • A bitmap radio button on a Toolbar froze the display
  • Changing the SEPARATION Grid property had no effect
  • Grid numeric columns were smaller than expected
  • No event type was generated by right-clicking in an empty grid
  • No event type was generated by right-clicking in a column header
  • Records of a size different than that of the form grid size did not show
  • The grid control active outline was missing
  • A grid sometimes shifted left when entering data
  • Clicking on the bottom of the grid did not invoke a scroll
  • When navigating the grid, scrolling and the scrollbar were not synchronized
  • The pop-up menu in the grid worked only on the second attempt
  • Clicking Cancel after adding a grid row caused the program to hang
  • A paged grid containing buttons of a different size sometimes showed those buttons as truncated on the bottom
  • NUM-ROWS caused Paged Grid to hang
  • Exiting edit of cell with TAB key causeed MSG_FINISH_ENTRY eventx2
  • Paged Grid contents are reordered versus Thin Client
  • When the tree view had focus, function keys did not work
  • Print alignment was off
  • WPRTDATA-LINES-PER-PAGE was not properly supported
  • On a second print attempt, images were lost
  • A checkbox on the toolbar generated an additional CMD-ACTIVATE event
  • Menu shortcut letters did not work
  • Menus without sub-menus did not generate an event
  • Windows launched from a menu were positioned incorrectly
  • On a mobile device, combobox values did not redisplay
  • Calendar control did not show the correct date