ECN-BMRG002 BMRG002 ECN-BMRG002 Boomerang compiler shows wrong line number or gives a memory fault

  • 3133321
  • 3133321
RPI Numbers:
  • 1119524
  • 1112069

Product: Boomerang

Module: Boomerang(server) and Compiler(client)

Machines Affected: All

Known Versions Affected: All


On some systems, when the Boomerang client sent a file to the Boomerang server for preprocessing, the Boomerang server sometimes produced a memory fault. This was due to some systems having a smaller stack space than others. The fix for this ECN changes how Boomerang works so that a small stack space is no longer an issue.

On other systems, if the original COBOL program contained an error, the compiler did not report the correct line number of the statement in error. This was due either to the Boomerang server incorrectly inserting the Boomerang line directives into the preprocessed file, or to the compiler erroneously reporting the line number for the statement just before the statement in error.