AcuToWeb installs the following directories and files for each platform:
The Windows installation results in the following directories and files:
- conf
- This directory contains the default configuration file. You need a configuration file for each instance of the Gateway that
you plan to run on the machine.
- Gateway
- This directory contains the python object files that provide the web server functionality.
- Web
- This directory contains the cascading style sheets and other resources required by the Gateway.
- ATWDesktop
- This directory contains the AcuToWeb Desktop executable.
- Tools
- This directory contains the python executables required to run the Gateway python object files.
The UNIX installation results in the following directories and files:
- Gateway
- This directory contains the python object files that provide the web server functionality.
- Python2.7
- This directory contains the python object files.
- Web
- This directory contains the cascading style sheets and other resources required by the Gateway.
- gateway.conf
- This file is the default configuration file. You need a configuration file for each instance of the Gateway that you plan
to run on the machine.
- acutoweb-gateway
- This executable enables you to start, stop, or obtain information about the Gateway.