ECN-4697 Hidden and moveable grid columns


Module: Compiler, Runtime

Machines Affected: Windows

Known Versions Affected: N/A


ACUCOBOL-GT runtime on Windows now supports hidden and movable columns in a standard grid control via the ADJUSTABLE-COLUMNS and MOVEABLE-COLUMNS grid styles.

In previous releases, columns could not be completely hidden, and had a minimum width of 1. This update enables the column width to be set to 0 (zero), hiding the column completely from view. In addition, users can now move a grid column from one location in the grid to another.

The gridctl.cblsample program, located in your %PUBLIC\Documents\Micro Focus\extend 10.4.0\sample directory, has been updated to show these features.

For complete details on the hidden and moveable grid columns feature, see the Working with Hidden and Moveable Grid Columns topic in your ACUCOBOL-GT documentation.