The Data Designer configuration options allow you to specify the inclusion or exclusion of comments in files created by the data design tools (File Designer, Working Storage Editor, and Linkage Editor). In addition, you can select the colors used to display linked items (items brought in via a COPY statement) included with the data designers. This interface also lets you determine level-number interval settings for the graphical file designers. You can also set Graphical FD, WS, and Linkage Data Designer options.
To set General Data Designer options, use the following steps:
Linked items may themselves include items via COPY statements. Items included as the result of nested COPY statements are also shown in a contrasting color. You can set the color used at each level by double-clicking in the Text Color field of the desired level and selecting a color.
You can set Graphical FD, WS, and Linkage Data Designer options with the following procedures:
Your level-number sequence, along with a preview of element names using the prefix convention you have chosen, is shown in the display box.