Perform the following steps on the server machine (the client and server may be located on the same machine):
Step 1: Install Sybase
The Sybase server, version 11.0 or later, must be installed and configured on your server machine. Follow the Sybase installation instructions in your Sybase documentation.
Step 2: Move the ACUCOBOL-GT stored procedures
Move “syb_inst.sql” to your server machine (the one hosting the Sybase RDBMS). This file was created in step 2 of the client installation.
Step 3: Install the ACUCOBOL-GT stored procedures
You must have Database Administrator privileges to install the ACUCOBOL-GT stored procedures on the server. (You need to enter the password for the Database Administrator.) Enter the following command:
isql -Usa -Ppassword < syb_inst.sql
(“syb_inst.sql” is created during the installation of the client.)
By default, the stored procedures are installed into the master or sybsystemprocs databases. However, you may choose another database in which to store them. Follow these steps if you want to install the stored procedures in a database other than the default:
The interface also searches for and executes the sp_AcuInit stored procedure from this location. This stored procedure is executed when a connection is made to the database; therefore, sp_AcuInit should reside in the default database for each user if it is not created in the master database. See Built-in Stored Procedures for information on the sp_AcuInit stored procedure.
This completes the setup on the UNIX or Windows server machine.
It can be difficult to maintain multiple copies of stored procedures; therefore, we recommend that you continue to create the stored procedures in the master or sybsystemprocs database. If your installation does not permit this, you do have the flexibility to create the stored procedures elsewhere. However, to facilitate maintenance of the stored procedures, we recommend that you create as few databases as possible.
The following topics describe the next steps you must take before using Acu4GL for Sybase for the first time: