Starts AcuRCL in a detached container.
Docker Specifications
run_container_AcuRCL.bat runs the
docker run command as follows:
docker run
--entrypoint "C:\AppContainerDirectory\start_acurcl.bat"
--publish 5632:5632
--name acu_acurcl
--volume "%CD%\SharedContainerDirectory":"C:\SharedContainerDirectory"
- -d
- Runs the image as a detached container.
- --rm
- Automatically removes the container when it exits.
- --entrypoint "C:\AppContainerDirectory\start_acurcl.bat"
- Specifies the program to be run in the detached container.
Note: If this requires one or more programs to start, the last program must be run in the foreground within the container waiting
for input, otherwise the container stops running along with any programs that were started. The following shows the commands
run in
cd C:\AppContainerDirectory
acurcl -start -c C:\AppContainerDirectory\acurcl_windows.cfg
-l -t7 -e C:\SharedContainerDirectory\acurcl_windows.out -f
-f option is used to start AcuRCL in the foreground. Here, the error file specified by the
-e option is in
C:\SharedContainerDirectory. This is for persistent data. See the
--volume option for more details.
- --publish 5632:5632
- Publishes a host port to the container port. AcuRCL uses port 5632 by default. For clients to communicate with programs, the
host ports must be mapped to ports used by the container programs. The host port and the container port are not required to
match. For example, if you started AcuRCL on port 5666 in the container, you could use the following to map the host port
of 5632 to the container port of 5666 and the Thin Client would use the host port of 5632:
--publish 5632:5666
Alternatively, you could have the host port be the same as the container port and the Thin Client would use the host port
of 5666:
--publish 5666:5666
- --name acu_acurcl
- Provides a unique name for the container. Use the following docker command to see a list of all containers:
docker ps -a
- --volume "%CD%\SharedContainerDirectory":"C:\SharedContainerDirectory"
- This option allows for persistent data after a container has been stopped. It specifies a single shared directory between
the host and the container where your container applications can create or make changes to files and data that you want to
remain after a container has been stopped. The format of the
--volume option is:
Note: We prefix the host directory with the
%CD% environment variable to eliminate the need to hard code a path, which might be different on each machine. If the container
programs create or change files and data in any other directory, these changes are not there the next time the image is run.
- microfocus/extend-app:win_10.5.0_x64
- Specifies the name of the application image to be run, including the repository name and the tag name. The format of the image
specification is:
Where the repository name is
microfocus/extend-app, and the tag name is