You can save and restore user modifications made to a grid layout by creating a REGISTRY-KEY property for the grid. If this property is set when the grid control is destroyed at the end of a program run or by some other means, then PHYSICAL-COLUMNS and other relevant information is stored in the registry key.
Based on supported Windows releases for the 10.4.0 release of this product, the name of the registry key must be constructed as follows:
where … is a unique name for the particular grid, for example, program-name\grid-name. The full key name might be something like this:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MyCompany\MyProduct\1.0\CUSTMAINT\Shipping Grid
To load the grid settings present when the program last ran, simply set REGISTRY-KEY to the key name you created, omitting the prepended Windows text. For example:
REGISTRY-KEY = "MyCompany\MyProduct\1.0\CUSTMAINT\Shipping Grid"
When using AcuToWeb, the REGISTRY-KEY values are saved in the Local Storage of the browser. To view or delete these values: